Last week I shared a list of agents accepting submissions of fantasy novels, but here are a bunch of publishers who accept unagented submissions. This list is mostly the same as my list of science fiction publishers, but there are some differences, and I figured it’s more convenient to have a list just for your genre.
Clicking on the name of the publisher will take you straight to the submission guidelines. These are mostly novel publishers, but I’ve included a couple of publishers of short fiction.
I’m not endorsing any of the publishers on this list, because I don’t know enough about most of them. The SFWA has a great overview of small presses and how to distinguish them from vanity publishers, and it’s worth checking out.
If you have any concerns about a publisher’s business practices, please let me know by email at bryndonovan1@gmail.com. Also, let me know if there’s someone I should add!
This prominent publisher has open door periods a couple of months a year when they accept unagented and unsolicited submissions. Their current open door period ends January 31, 2016, and you can keep an eye out for future ones.
Novels over 50,000 words. “All subgenres including speculative, dystopian, apocalyptic, and dark fantasy stories. Unconventional concepts, world-building and diverse characters are always a plus.” “We aim to maintain an inclusive space where topics like race, gender and class are handled with reasonable care. This does not mean that we only publish radically forward-thinking literature, but we will pass on books dominated by socially regressive tropes.” No YA.
100,000 – 130,000 words. “…for fantasy, any magical system must be both rigorously coherent and integral to the plot, and overall the work must at least strive for originality.”
YA, NA, and MG. (NA stands for New Adult and MG stands for Middle Grade.)
Digital only. Fantasy romance, 35,000 words and up.
Tad Williams, Mercedes Lackey, and Tanith Lee all got their start with this imprint of Penguin Random House. “The average length of the novels we publish varies, but is almost never fewer than 80,000 words.”
40,000 words and up.
“After reviewing our subs for the remainder of the 2016 release schedule, we at DDP have decided to move away from Sword and Sorcery type stories for the time being. This is not to say that we will not return to this sub-genre, but for the time being, we will focus on Science Fiction, Horror, Thriller/Suspense and Dark Fantasy.
Dark fantasy is a subgenre of fantasy which can refer to literary, artistic, and cinematic works that incorporates darker and frightening themes of fantasy. It also often combines fantasy with elements of horror. The term can be used broadly to refer to fantastical works that have a dark, gloomy atmosphere or a sense of horror and dread.”
“We’re seeking imaginative, idea-filled science fiction and fantasy short stories. Stories should be accessible, with strong plots and compelling characters, written with a good knowledge of the science fiction or fantasy canon.
We pay for selected stories starting at $0.05 per word or a mix of an advance and a royalty. Stories should be at least 7,000 words. Stories will be published under a new electronic imprint from East of the Web, one of the world’s leading publishers of short stories.”
Novel-length books between 75,000 and 100,000 words.
“We particularly like stories with:
- depth and insight
- great writing
- original ideas
- interesting characters who have believable behaviors, motives, and relationships
- believable dialogue
- strong plots
- solid science or magic systems
- unique settings
- well designed, innovative alien life forms and environments, and
- richly detailed and original cultures.”
Adult, YA, and MG.
These guys publish some big authors, including Raymond Feist. Although they don’t usually accept unagented submissions, they do have open calls now and again. You can bookmark the linked page or follow them on Twitter to find out when they are.
This is Random Houses’s digital-only imprint for scifi, fantasy, and horror. They want novels of 40,000 words of more. The SFWA and other writers criticized Hydra’s original contracts, and Hydra changed them as a result.
A UK publisher of YA, including fantasy.
Pyr is the scifi and fantasy imprint of Prometheus Books. “We are not currently looking for short story collections, anthologies, novellas, or nonfiction. We prefer novels in the 100,000 to 130,000 word range.”
“We are looking for submissions to our quarterly themed anthologies. Our focus is on science fiction and fantasy and anthropological fiction… Stories should be between 1,500 and 3,000 words.” Click the link and scroll down for upcoming anthology themes and reading periods.
A giant in fantasy publishing. Novel-length books. Scroll way down for the submission guidelines. Tor.com is also open to submissions of short fiction and poetry in a speculative vein, particularly stories under 12,000 words.
ETA: a reader let me know that after January 7, they will no longer be open to unagented submissions for shorter fiction. Thank you!
Novels, novellas, serialized fiction, and collections of short fiction by a single author. Adult, NA, and YA. They also have calls for short stories for anthologies. Annual open submission periods are February and September.
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More Opportunities for Authors found by Bryn (don’t forget to call over to her blog and say ‘Thank You’) 😀
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More Opportunities for Authors found by Bryn (don’t forget to call over to her blog and say ‘Thank You’) 😀
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Reblogged this on Jan Hawke INKorporated and commented:
Just what the indie book doctor ordered! Thanks Bryn 😀
Reblogged this on Jens Thoughts and commented:
I wanted to share this for my fantasy writing friends!
Thanks for the research and the list. I second your advice to make sure authors do their research! And great luck to everyone 🙂
Tweeted that. Thank you!!
Tor announced a week ago that they’ll be closing their doors for unsolicited short fiction submissions on January 7th. Anyone planning to submit had better be quick.
Ah, good to know, thanks! I’ll make a note of that in the post!
Wonderful 🙂
Reblogged this on Wind Eggs and commented:
Reblogged from Bryn Donovan.
Thanks for making this list available to writers. I think that as more and more writers turn to Indie Publishing the list of smaller publishers that seek unagented writers will grow. The huge presses will resist.
Thanks for making this list available to writers. I think that as more and more writers turn to Indie Publishing the list of smaller publishers that seek unagented writers will grow. The huge presses will resist.
Reblogged this on Kim's Author Support Blog.
Thank you for this information!
Reblogged this on Writer's Treasure Chest and commented:
Bryn Donovan has shared amazing information about Fantasy Publishers who accept unagented submissions.
Thank you very much, Bryn, for all your efforts!!
Good list. Gollancz is also accepting submissions right now: http://www.gollancz.co.uk/2015/10/gollancz-direct-submissions-january-2016/
Thank you!
Have you ever provided a similar list for publishers who accept unagented mystery novels? If not, could you?
I have not, and I’ll think about it! 🙂
Thank you so much for this! It’s exactly what I’m looking for for my writing and it’ll come in handy!
Their submission window is currently closed, and only opens for a short period later in the year, but JournalStone publishing gave me a contract on my upcoming fantasy novel without me having an agent.
Hi there! Just to let you know that Inspired Quill (www.inspired-quill.com) Are open for submissions until the end of the month (May, 2016). If you miss the window, they’re also happy to answer any queries about their next window, or the industry in general. Thanks!
Ah, thanks for letting me know, Sara-Jayne! I found the Inspired Quill tweet about this and re-tweeted it to let people know!
Ms. Donovan–Thank you so much for this incredible list. Your time put into the list and your generosity in making it available is incredible. Suzanne Barron/Virginia
Pyr has a new page (if you go to their website), that says that they no longer accept unagented submissions.
I don’t know if you are still monitoring comments on this blog, nor whether this has already been covered, but the Baen link goes nowhere…is Baen one of those that has a time window and it’s now closed?
http://www.baen.com/baen-faq#Manuscript Submission Guidelines
I know it must be hard work but could you do one of these for 2017?
Hi Lazarinth! Well… this took a really, really long time, as you guessed. Let me think about it 🙂
I am with Lazarinth – an updated list for 2018 would be splendid. You listed presses I had not run across in my research. Hard to get an agent – easier once you have had something published.
Thanks for sharing.
Claire Count