IMAGE: laptop reflecting the sunrise and clouds behind it Writing Motivation: 12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #affirmations for writer's block #encouragement for writers

Most of us need a little extra writing motivation now and again. If you know my blog well, you know that I’m a big believer in positive affirmations—including writing affirmations! So here are twelve affirmations about writer’s block, creativity, and writing success, for any time you need a little extra encouragement.

I guess as a writer, it’s not surprising that I believe in the power of words. I think it especially helps to speak them out loud.

You don’t even have to completely believe an affirmation. Part of your brain will accept it as a fact. And then, if it doesn’t match your reality, that will create cognitive dissonance. Your brain will find all kinds of sneaky ways to make it true.

In addition to saying affirmations out loud, you can print them out or copy them and put them in places where you’re likely to see them — on the bathroom mirror, the fridge, in a journal or planner, or on Pinterest, if you have a quote board like I do.

Not all of these may work for you, but hopefully, a few of them will![spacer height=”20px”]

12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #quotes #creativity #writing[spacer height=”20px”][spacer height=”20px”]

12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #quotes #creativity #writing[spacer height=”20px”][spacer height=”20px”]

12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #quotes #creativity #writing

[spacer height=”20px”][spacer height=”20px”]12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #quotes #creativity #writing

[spacer height=”20px”][spacer height=”20px”]12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #quotes #creativity #writing[spacer height=”20px”][spacer height=”20px”]

12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #quotes #creativity #writing

[spacer height=”20px”][spacer height=”20px”]12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #quotes #creativity #writing

[spacer height=”20px”][spacer height=”20px”]12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #quotes #creativity #writing[spacer height=”20px”][spacer height=”20px”]

12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #quotes #creativity #writing

[spacer height=”20px”][spacer height=”20px”]12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #quotes #creativity #writing

[spacer height=”20px”][spacer height=”20px”]12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #quotes #creativity #writing

[spacer height=”20px”][spacer height=”20px”]12 Positive Affirmations for Writers #quotes #creativity #writing[spacer height=”20px”][spacer height=”20px”]

If you have a favorite, or if there’s another quote about writing or creativity that you love, let me know in the comments!

And if you want more positivity, check out my guided journal, The Book of Dreams Come True. It contains all kinds of creative exercises to help you feel inspired again, set goals, and manifest them in your life.

THE BOOK OF DREAMS COME TRUE: A Journal of Self-Discovery, Goals, and Manifestation #manifest it #gratitude journal prompts #manifestation journal #manifestation journal examples #manifestation journal sample #manifestation writing #law of attraction journal


Thanks so much for reading, and happy writing!

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