Update: I accidentally posted this early—I was traveling and set it up to go live on Wednesday, but I had the date wrong! Ah well. 🙂 Hi, friends! It’s the first Wednesday of the month! That might not mean a lot to most people, but around here, that means it’s WIP Wednesday. I share an excerpt of a work in

Hey hey, welcome to the first WIP Wednesday of the year, when I share an excerpt of a project in process and you do the same! I hope your 2019 is off to an amazing start, and you’re looking forward to getting lots of exciting writing done. I have just finished a draft of a non-fiction project that has been a

Happy October! How’s everyone doing? Historically, October has always been my favorite season of the year. Now that I’m in California, October is still summer, but I’m still drinking pumpkin spice lattes. For anyone new to the blog: on the first Wednesday of every month, I share an excerpt of a work in progress and invite you to do the

Hello! How’s everyone doing? I hope everything’s going well for you…and if it’s not, I hope things turn around, right now. And welcome to WIP Wednesday! On the first Wednesday of every month, I share an excerpt of a work in progress, and you do the same in the comments section below. (If you never want to miss a WIP