Here was my idea for a fun blog post: I would avoid saying anything that was at all negative for 30 days and report what I had learned. After dozens of attempts, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that I will never write that blog post, so I’m writing this one instead.   I wanted to try this experiment for

I just realized today that 1 year ago yesterday, I published my first blog post! I had, of course, zero readers. I didn’t know a lot about how to blog, and I wasn’t sure what this was going to be about. The only thing I knew is that I wanted it to have some useful content, so I (somewhat randomly)

Why am I making these motivational quote things? Because it’s harder to feel happy and do great things when you don’t think you’re all that great… and I hear people say terrible things about themselves all the time. I know they’re doing it even more in their heads. I do it too! I forget something? “I’m so stupid!” (“Absent-minded” ≠ “stupid.”) I get excited about something? “Sorry,