Hi friends! A lot has changed in the world since our last WIP Wednesday. My niece in Chicago—the one I dedicated The Equinox Stone to, and the one I made plans with to go to a Supernatural convention this summer—has been sick and quarantined to her room with COVID-9 symptoms for two weeks now. I just want her to start

Hey friends! It’s WIP Wednesday, the first Wednesday of the month, when I share a little bit of a work in progress and invite you to do the same. The rules are pretty simple: post an excerpt in the comments section of 500 words or less, with no graphic content (some cursing is okay). No critiquing other people’s work—we’re often

Hi friends! Welcome to another WIP Wednesday! If you’re wondering what WIP Wednesday is, well, you must be new here. Welcome! It’s an opportunity to share your writing. On the first Wednesday of every month, I post an excerpt of a work in progress and invite you to do the same in the comments section below. There are some ground

Hi, everyone, and if you’re new, welcome to my blog about writing and positivity! It’s the first Wednesday of the month, which is WIP Wednesday around here. It’s a time when I share an excerpt of a work in progress and you do the same in the comments section below. It can be from a novel, a short story, other

Hey friends! If you subscribe to my newsletter, you already know about this. I’ve talked before on this blog about Wicked Garden, my Southern gothic novella. You’ve even seen a couple of excerpts of it in progress! It’s is an emotional romance with an unstereotypical hero that deals with a haunting. I’m so pleased with how this story came out, and