Romance story ideas should be based in conflict. Like Shakespeare said, “The course of true love never did run smooth.” Obstacles give your characters the chance to change and grow as people, and to prove how much they really do love each other. It also gives them interesting things to do! This is really a romance plot generator in list

This post contains Amazon affiliate links. I almost renamed this post “50 books that will make you think.” I know my readers probably aren’t worried about how to be smarter…they’re really smart already! But in this list, you might find books to expand your knowledge, which we’re all interested in doing. I usually take notes when I’m reading; it helps

This is me when you invite me to a thing: And this is me the day of your thing: I’m getting better, though, because I’m tired of being anxious every time, and I refuse to be that person who flakes out and doesn’t show up at the last minute. Nobody likes that person! Actually, plenty of people like that person,