I don’t know if I should feel embarrassed by this post… Or proud of my determination. It’s about my years of struggles as an author before getting my first book deal with a major publisher. As writers, we don’t always talk about our failures and setbacks. Many of us deal with them as though they are crimes, dumping them into
Let’s share what we’re writing! Work in Progress Wednesday is the first Wednesday of the month. I’m going to share a snippet of what I’m working on, and you’re invited to do the same in the comment section! I recommend copying and pasting from your manuscript. Sometimes longer comments can be slow to load, but usually they get there. 😊
Many of you weighed in Friday on whether I should bring back WIP Wednesday… This was a regular feature on this blog for years. On the first Wednesday of every month, I would share a snippet of a work in progress, and others would do the same in the comments section. I had discontinued it out of concerns about AI
Hey friends! For years on this blog, we did “WIP Wednesday.” I would share a snippet of what I was working on. In the comments section, others would do the same. We didn’t critique each other’s work—a lot of times, it was too new and raw for critiquing! But often, we’d cheer one another on. I got to know a
What’s an Enneagram 4? The enneagram is a personality typing system with 9 different types. Type 4 is sometimes called “The Individualist” and sometimes called “The Romantic.” I bet most of my regular blog readers are enneagram type 4s. Writers, artists, book lovers, and dreamers are often enneagram 4 types. But check out some of these enneagram four traits and
Happy Friday, everyone! Here’s what’s going on with me, but skip the first thing if you already heard me talking about it on social media! The release date for my romcom novel, Her Knight at the Museum, got moved up from December to Tuesday, Nov. 12! When I got an email from my editor saying there was a pub date
Great metaphors can set an author’s writing style apart. But metaphorical writing—in which one thing is compared to another—doesn’t come naturally to everyone! That’s why I thought I would share one of my favorite tricks with you today. It’s also in my book Master Lists for Writers. Here are a few examples of metaphorical (or figurative)