Hey friends! Let’s talk about how to be more positive. I have some simple and practical suggestions to prompt your brain to think more positive thoughts. But first, I have a couple of things to say about positivity. It isn’t something you achieve once and for all. Positivity is something you have to work at (and even re-learn, sometimes.) I’m
Hey friends! Happy June! Happy summer! (Or happy winter, for my friends Down Under.) How’s it going? Mr. Donovan and I are all moved into our new house in the Chicago suburbs, and I’m ready for a season with lots of blogging and writing. We’ll kick it off with a WIP Wednesday! For those of you who are new, welcome!,
About This Post My friend Jennifer Fujita, who’s an expert on food (and many other things), wrote this post. It was a huge help to me as I wrote my romcom novel about a medieval knight in modern times, Her Knight at the Museum! I hope you’ll check out the book! by Jennifer Fujita Hi friends! I’m a longtime writer friend
Hi friends! Well, as I’m writing this, I’m surrounded by boxes and bags. The moving van comes tomorrow morning, and I still have a lot of packing to do before then after my workday is over, so wish me luck! I’m sure it’ll go okay! Did I finish my novel this month while getting ready to move halfway across the
An artist date is a concept created by Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way . Cameron recommends that once a week, you treat your inner artist (or writer, or what have you) to a fun, engaging experience that will spark your inspiration. The only ones on this “date” are you and your creative self. Now, once
Hey friends! Before I published my first book with a publisher, I didn’t understand that there are different types of editing. Even if you’re planning to self-publish, I think it’s really helpful to understanding copy editing vs. developmental editing. Pin or bookmark this one for future reference! And if you’re looking for great editing, go to our editing website, Lucky
For people who have known me a while, it seems like I just moved out to Los Angeles. That’s not true, though: we moved from Kansas City to L.A. a little under three years ago. I felt like I had to do it for work, in part due to some weird circumstances, and in part because no one was used