I love talking about character backstory ideas! Why are backstories for characters important in fiction and scripts? Because your character’s background helps you understand who they are and how they’re going to behave and make decisions in different circumstances. In some cases, you might know how you want a character to act in a given situation, but you’re not sure
Get inspired by 15 quotes about turning the page and starting a new chapter in life.
Note: you can check out my updated list of Word of the Year Ideas for 2024! As some of you know, I’m always really, really excited about the new year. I love making plans and starting fresh. A lot of people choose one word resolutions or one word goals for each new year, and I am one of them! The
While every year brings sorrows, disappointments, and loss, every year also brings things to treasure. Even when I look back on times that were very difficult, I remember so many good things, including some that have passed out of my life now. I’ll think, Yes, we were living under the poverty line in Tucson, sharing a studio apartment with no
You guys! It’s the last Work in Progress Wednesday of the year. I’ve been doing these for at least five years, I think…maybe longer! And a few of you have been around the whole time! I really appreciate getting to see what everyone’s up to! But if you’re brand new to this, on the first Wednesday of the month, I
Hey friends! It’s almost time for a brilliant new year of reading! And I’m looking ahead to January for anyone who’s curious about B&N, Kobo, and Amazon hot new releases and what’s new in paperback. Here in Chicago during the winter, there’s nothing nicer than curling up on the couch with a cup of coffee or tea (and in my
Hey friends! First of all, I hope my U.S. readers had a lovely Thanksgiving. Second of all, I have a secret that’s just for my international blog readers and newsletter subscribers! Officially, this contest is only for people in the U.S. and Canada, because I can’t afford to send paperbacks elsewhere. However, since you’re part of my inner circle, if