I wanted to make a list about how to describe anger in writing because I know a lot of writers get stuck on it, whether they’re describing frustration, annoyance, or flat-out rage. Even when you’re just looking for a few words or a phrase, you can get bogged down. With that in mind, here are ways to write anger descriptions

Lots of my readers want to know more about how to get published, so last week, I shared a list of fantasy and science fiction publishers who accept unagented submissions. This week, I’m doing the same thing with romance! This isn’t a comprehensive list. Romance is a huge genre, and there are lots of opportunities out there for writers who

Hey there! I know many of my readers aspire to publishing a novel, and many of them write fantasy and science fiction, so I put this post together to help them. I did a post like this a couple of years back, but it needed updating! Many publishing houses won’t accept submissions except through agents. If an author’s hoping for

One of my readers requested this post! I was happy to do it, because winter and the holidays bring great inspiration to me. These could be used for fiction, journaling, or just about any other creative writing. And I’m keeping them G-rated in case any teachers want to use them for their students! (And if you are a teacher, check

Hey there! It’s been forever since I’ve done book reviews, because I really wanted to do some more video book reviews…and I haven’t had a chance to investigate how to make them more professionally. And I keep forgetting to at least get a tripod! So Mr. Donovan very kindly did these for me on the iPhone. This first one is for

Should I give up writing? Last week, a woman in one of my many online writer groups asked us this. She’d written and self-published a historical novel that had gotten twenty or so good reviews, but a few months after its release, it wasn’t selling many copies. She was having trouble staying motivated to work on her next project, and