“What does a hummingbird symbolize?” That’s what someone asked me after doing the animal symbolism exercise in my creative journal, The Book of Dreams Come True . I asked the person, “What do you think is the a hummingbird’s spiritual meaning?” and we had a great conversation about personal animal meanings and associations. But I realize that it’s also fun

Hi friends! Today is the official release for my self-discovery and manifestation journal, The Book of Dreams Come True. Since I’m staying very safe in these times and I can’t have a proper release day party, comment with a word or two of congratulations below…it would mean a lot to me! You can click here to buy it on Amazon

Hi friends! Once or twice a week, someone asks me how to find a literary agent. This usually comes up because at my day job in publishing, we’re only taking agented submissions, though I also get this question from writers of all kinds of genres. So I figured it was time I did a post about finding a literary agent.

Hi friends! I have a secret project coming out soon that I believe is very Instagram-friendly, so I thought I’d do a post about how to promote a book on Instagram. This is kind of a followup to another post: 200 Best Instagram Hashtags for Authors. But even though I feel like I know a lot about other social media

Hi friends! This is kind of a summer reading challenge (for adults!), although it doesn’t have to be for summer—any time is a great time to read around the world. I got the idea for a global reading challenge when I was shelving fiction in our new place. I was noticing the books set in foreign countries, and thinking about