Irish Gaelic quotes interest me both because I love old quotes in general, and because both my wife and I number among the nearly 35 million Americans who can trace at least some of their ancestry back to the Emerald Isle. Both us love most things Irish, though in fact after much reading, I can only conclude that I still

First, here are my thoughts about manifestation journal ideas… There are a lot of people wondering, “How does manifestation work?”, and there’s a lot of wild advice out there about how to manifest something. I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while, and near the beginning of a new year seemed like a good time to do it…though

If you read this blog regularly, you’re probably not surprised that I’m writing about vision board ideas. Right now, I’m feeling especially hopeful about the future, and making a vision board online is a good way to find fresh motivation. Be sure to pin or bookmark this post if you think you might want to try it out later!  

How did the Norse Yule turn into a Viking Christmas celebration? In 940 to 961 AD, Haakon the Good was the king of Norway, and during his reign, the English court introduced him to Christianity. Haakon then tried to convert the rest of Norway. It must’ve been such an interesting time, with Viking Yule (or winter solstice) traditions mingling with

This is probably the most recent of the A Gentleman in Moscow reviews! I was late to the party (no pun intended), and only read Amor Towles’s masterpiece this year. It’s going to be made into a TV series, apparently, so if you haven’t already read it, do it now!     [spacer height=”20px”]I really do think it’s one of

Hi, friends! I wanted to do this list of positive affirmations for anxiety management because with social and political issues, personal issues, and more, it seems like more people than ever are coping with stress or dealing with anxiety. Positive affirmations aren’t a cure-all, but in my own experience, they can help. Using them is kind of like intentionally brainwashing

Why am I writing about romantic things to do for your wife, husband, or partner? (Or girlfriend or boyfriend?) Well, my wedding anniversary was last Sunday, and that always makes me think about ways to be more romantic. (I’ve shared marriage advice before, but my best advice is to get in the habit of kindness and realize that very few