I had so much fun making this list of New Year resolution ideas! I am definitely a “New year, new me!” kind of person. When the end of the year rolls around, I don’t just want resolutions…I want a New Year revolution. And since New Year’s is hands down my favorite holiday of the year, it was kind of inevitable

Last summer I read How To Win Friends and Influence People, a classic by Dale Carnegie (which I talked about in my July Recommended Reads post.) A lot of the book talks about things that you know are true, but sort of forget to put into practice. (And by “you,” I mean me, of course.) HTWFAIP starts out in a

Recently, someone I don’t know well in one of my (many, I’m afraid) private online groups vented about the guy she was seeing: a not-quite-boyfriend. She was most often the one to make plans, and he cancelled at the last minute about a third of the time. She was asking the group how to get him to back out less often

Why am I making these motivational quote things? Because it’s harder to feel happy and do great things when you don’t think you’re all that great… and I hear people say terrible things about themselves all the time. I know they’re doing it even more in their heads. I do it too! I forget something? “I’m so stupid!” (“Absent-minded” ≠ “stupid.”) I get excited about something? “Sorry,