On Saturday I worked on my novel-in-progress for hours, and then we went to the beach. I’ve written about this before, but sometimes I have trouble taking a break and going to a park or the beach, and I’m always glad when I do it. Honestly, for me, connecting with nature is a key to happiness.     It’s easy

On the morning of June 25, 2014, I had an early morning surgery at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri. The surgeon took out my left kidney and put it in a container that looked like a beer cooler. It was sent to the greater San Diego area and put in a man who was suffering from late-stage kidney disease.

I always like sharing journal ideas when I come up with ones that work for me. More people than ever are journaling, and it’s no wonder: it’s good for both mental health and creativity. It can give us ways to deal with low-self esteem, fears, and negative thinking, and open up the door to new ideas. I even found these

What is imposter syndrome? I guess the definition is a particular lack of self-confidence: a persistent feeling that, despite one’s abilities or achievements, you’re a fraud and will be exposed as one. The term was coined way back in 1978 in an article by Dr. Pauline R. Clance and Dr. Suzanne A. Imes, which was based on their interviews with

I’ve been lucky enough to get a lot of youthful readers, of all biological ages, filled with hope and dreams. Many of you seem younger than you are. I think some of you figured out how to be young again…and I suspect some of you are going to be young forever! So as I begin to write this post, I

Happy Earth Day! I have a giveaway to celebrate at the end of this post. Earth Day is a great reminder to be more eco-conscious. Most of us want to make more “green” or environmental choices, and we want to know how to be more earth-friendly. However, it can be easy to get overwhelmed.   [AdSense-B]   For me, it