Hey there! This is part of a series on developing fictional characters using supposed traits of zodiac signs. Whether you believe in astrology or not, it’s a fun way to think about it. Today we’re looking at Scorpio! [AdSense-B] Scorpio is a common personality type for romance heroes – so much so that if your romance hero is a Scorpio,

Hey there! Late last week I did a poll to ask you what I should work on for NaNoWriMo. To be honest, I had planned on starting the second book of a paranormal romance/urban fantasy trilogy, but I had begun to ask myself things like, “Would anyone but me get into this trilogy concept?” (Arguably a better question to ask

(Updated for 2024!) You might have heard that last night, the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl! Because Mr. Donovan and I lived in Kansas City for over two decades, we are still huge fans. We’re visiting Kansas City soon to see old friends! I don’t think the rest of country knows much about Kansas City, which is too

When I was compiling a list of 100 character quirks for my Master Lists for Writers book, I threw a few superstitions in there. I think they’re fascinating, so I put together a list of them to share here. I believe many of these are European superstitions. If I’ve come across the origin of a superstition, I’ve noted it, but I

I’m so excited to announce the launch of my reference book for writers! Master Lists for Writers grew out of some popular posts on my blog, but most of the content is new. Whether you’re getting ideas for a brand new story, developing your characters, or searching for the right words as you write, I think it’s going to be a great resource.