Soldiers, shifters, ghosts, and immortal cells… here’s what I read and enjoyed in the past month! I’ve explained this before, but I never give negative reviews, because if I’m not into a book, I stop reading it. I figure it might not even be a bad book… maybe it’s just not for me. But these books were great!   Be

Like a lot of writers, I love reading about secret societies and their symbols, passwords, and rituals. Most of us have heard of the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Rosicrucian order, and the Illuminati. People get a lot of silly ideas about all of these groups. Some websites argue that all secret societies worship Satan, while other people believe that

This is a list of color names as well as color descriptions that relate to specific objects. I’ve tried to list the more familiar or clichéd descriptions words for colors first and then the fresher ways to describe colors later. Characters may still use clichés when they are speaking — sometimes, that’s just realistic dialogue. [AdSense-B] Some of these suggest

Recommending good poems for people is dicey, and I know that different people will disagree on what the best poetry is. I’m going to give it a try anyway. My M.F.A. is in poetry. Many times, people have told me — often as a confession — that they don’t enjoy or read it. And the thing is, I don’t blame