Hey there! Welcome to another writing prompt designed to incorporate into your WIP… though if you just do it as a creative exercise, that’s great too! You don’t have to keep this to twenty minutes. I’m just saying I think you can do it in twenty, and squeeze it right into your lunch hour or bus ride. Set an alarm on

I don’t like April Fool’s Day that much. A lot of April Fool’s jokes are just mean — they scare people, get people’s hopes up and then crush them, or get them to eat something disgusting. Why would I want to do that? Besides, I am a really trusting person. And I like trusting people! Don’t make me spend a whole

I’m going to do some writing prompts for a while on Mondays and see how they go. I’ll be keeping them nice and quick, because we often forget that we don’t need a huge swath of uninterrupted time in order to write. Even fifteen or twenty minutes is enough to get a little done. Although I’ve always liked the idea of writing

Not too long ago in one of my writer online groups, someone said they were feeling a lot of anxiety about their novel-in-progress, and they asked other people if they sometimes felt the same way. Plenty of people said yes, they did. It’s good for writers to know they’re not the only ones. But then, the conversation took a disturbing

If you ask most people, they’ll say they are against bullying, but plenty of us who say that also engage in it. We don’t do it face to face, with people we know, but with strangers who have somehow caught the Internet’s attention and gone viral. I’m not talking about people who are reviled for bigoted or cruel comments or

Hey friends! It’s the first Wednesday of the month, which is when I invite you to post a segment of whatever you’re writing. I discourage critical comments and suggestions on other people’s work, because I want people to feel free to post things that are quite rough (the way I do!) This is just for sharing. Encouraging words are always appreciated,

It’s always hard to do a list of “best books,” and you might have very different ideas about the best books to read. But this book list isn’t only about quality, but also about stories and ideas that had a big effect on me. Since it’s fun to compare book lists and talk about reading, and I am really curious about other people’s best-loved books, I figured