Tomorrow Mr. Donovan and I are celebrating a milestone anniversary. Last year on our anniversary, I shared one of those “secrets to a happy marriage” posts. This year, I’ve been thinking a lot about how, according to most articles I read, we got married wrong. Here’s some of the advice I’ve seen… Date for a long time before you get
Author: Bryn Donovan
Hey friends! If you subscribe to my newsletter, you already know about this. I’ve talked before on this blog about Wicked Garden, my Southern gothic novella. You’ve even seen a couple of excerpts of it in progress! It’s is an emotional romance with an unstereotypical hero that deals with a haunting. I’m so pleased with how this story came out, and
When I was a kid, I always thought it was too bad that August didn’t have any holidays in it. One of the reasons I chose the month of August to get married was that I wanted to give the month a little extra sparkle. Back then, I’d never heard of an ancient Gaelic festival called Lughnasadh. Although almost no
It’s easy for a lot of us to lose our way in the middle of a writing project. We start out fine, but then we get confused. We start to ask ourselves: where is this story going? What is the theme? Why am I not feeling this any more? We can also doubt whether the story has a place in
You probably heard about this last week: a Dani Mathers, a Playboy model, was at a public gym. She posted a public picture on Snapchat of a naked woman she did not know in the locker room, along with a picture of herself laughing. She captioned it, “If I can’t unsee this you can’t either.” This would have been reprehensible
I am fascinated by rare, strange, and mystical books. I think they intrigue most geeks who love to read. It might be a stretch to call a couple of these “books,” since they’re compilations of stories that weren’t written down at first, but let’s not quibble. (This post contains some adult content.) [AdSense-B] The Saga of the Volsungs
When I teach writing workshops and people share their drafts with the rest of the class for critique, I have a strict rule: you’re not allowed to apologize for your writing. This rule drives some people crazy. They want to make an excuse for why they wrote it or sneak a “I know this is really rough” in there. (Of