Why am I posting today about frugal and thrifty romance? Well, I’ll tell you! Last week, Mr. Donovan got laid off after 13 years with the same company. Neither of us knew it was coming. It certainly wasn’t about performance: he’s a great copywriter, copy editor, and proofreader, besides being literally the nicest person anyone has ever met. I can’t say

Hey there! It’s been forever since I’ve done book reviews, because I really wanted to do some more video book reviews…and I haven’t had a chance to investigate how to make them more professionally. And I keep forgetting to at least get a tripod! So Mr. Donovan very kindly did these for me on the iPhone. This first one is for

Hey, everybody, happy new week! Tomorrow is the release day of The Phoenix Codex (the ebook version, anyway), and I also have a vacation day tomorrow…after having very few Saturdays or Sundays off this year. So I’m feeling good! The Phoenix Codex is up for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes and Noble.com, iBooks, and Kobo (and it’s already available in print on Amazon.) Over the weekend,