Recently a writer I know talked about not getting sucked into an online argument with a stranger, “because your girl doesn’t work for free.” I was nodding in agreement. I cut way, way back on Internet arguments and rants a few years ago. I felt like the habit could make anger or bitterness my default setting, and I didn’t want

Why did I make a list of what sound to me like some of the best travel books, novels set in other countries, and so on? Well, if you’re like me, you’re curious about other countries and other parts of the world…you dream of traveling to dozens of countries…and you don’t have nearly the kind of budget that could satisfy

I wanted to make a list about how to describe anger in writing because I know a lot of writers get stuck on it, whether they’re describing frustration, annoyance, or flat-out rage. Even when you’re just looking for a few words or a phrase, you can get bogged down. With that in mind, here are ways to write anger descriptions

Lots of my readers want to know more about how to get published, so last week, I shared a list of fantasy and science fiction publishers who accept unagented submissions. This week, I’m doing the same thing with romance! This isn’t a comprehensive list. Romance is a huge genre, and there are lots of opportunities out there for writers who