Those of you who have read this blog for a while…or who have read my novel Sunrise Cabin …know how I like to take time every morning to count my blessings, or at least acknowledge some of my reasons to feel thankful. I think practicing gratitude is one of the best things we can do for mental health and happiness.

Hey there! As people are gearing up for National Novel Writing Month, I’m hearing lots of people say how one of their biggest struggles is not fixing and rewriting what they’ve already put down on the page. Compulsive reworking and editing, rather than moving forward, isn’t only an issue during NaNoWriMo. It can actually hold you back from your goals

Many people think of writing as an easy job. Stare out the window. Sip your coffee. Type out a fabulous scene. And there’s some truth to that! Writing can be really enjoyable. I’d never do it if that weren’t the case. But there are some health issues associated with writing.     Here are some health hazards people deal with

Hey, friends! Many of you have told me you enjoy my reference book for writers. Thank you so much for getting it, and I’m so glad you’re finding it useful!   Because many people are gearing up for National Novel Writing Month, I’m discounting the book on Kindle to only 99¢ through Friday. The book has plot ideas, plot twists,

Outside the office building where I work, there’s a new sidewalk. Since I walk to work most mornings, and since I’m often wearing heels, I appreciate it. It took a long time to put it in. Weeks. Maybe longer than they expected, but I don’t know anything about construction, so it might be normal. It was a big job, definitely.