phone sitting in grass - what to do instead of doomscrolling

If you can’t stop doomscrolling, you aren’t alone.

Many people find themselves glued to social media platforms, Reddit, or other sites, especially if they have ADHD. But we all know that it’s horrible for our mental health. 

I don’t think staring at screens for hours and hours every day is anyone’s idea of fulfilling life, especially when we’re reading about depressing or enraging things…which is exactly what social media algorithms constantly serve up to us. (I try to focus on positive and helpful posts here on this blog, because there’s plenty of the other stuff out there!)

Of course, it’s good to stay informed, but we can do that and still stay focused at work and enjoy our precious hours of leisure. 

If you feel like doomscrolling is taking over your life, the good news is that you can make a change RIGHT NOW.

You can decide that the rest of this day, the rest of this week, or the rest of your life will be different! The best way to quit doomscrolling is to replace the habit with something else, and I bet all my ideas will make you think of even more.

What to Do Instead of Doomscrolling


The first twenty-five ideas on this list are for those when you just have a few minutes (although of course, when it comes to social media, a few minutes can turn into a lot of them before we know it.) The others are for when you have more time. And I’ll share a great hint from my sister at the end!

If you find this list helpful, bookmark it or pin it to Pinterest for future reference…and please consider sharing it on your blog or on social media, to help other doomscrollers!

what to do instead of doomscrolling

If you have five minutes or less…




Do a couple of yoga poses or some ergonomic stretches for computer users. Your body and your brain will thank you.




Visualize beauty.

Set an alarm on your phone for a minute or two, close your eyes, and imagine yourself in one of the most beautiful, peaceful places you’ve ever been. Imagine the sounds, the scents, and even the breeze on your skin, if that applies.




Visualize success and/or happiness.

Same idea as above, but imagine a day in your life as the most successful version of yourself…or just the happiest version of yourself (but that’s really what success means, isn’t it?)




Text a family member or friend.

Check in and see how their week is going! 




Play with or cuddle your pet.

Even if it’s just a few minutes, they’ll enjoy it. 


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Do a few pushups or jumping jacks…

Or both! 




Read a few poems.

Books of poetry are great to have around because you can enjoy them a little bit at a time.




Do a poetry writing exercise.

Here are twenty poetry writing exercises to inspire you!




Flip through a magazine.

This is what we used to do instead of scrolling, kids!




Flip through a cookbook, a coffee table book, or a how-to book on the topic of your choice.

This is a lot more relaxing than doomscrolling. If you work at a computer, consider keeping books like this nearby.



Read a few cartoons in a book of cartoons.

I love classics like Peanuts and contemporary cartoonists like Sarah Andersen.




Read from a book of inspiring quotes.





Clean out your purse or backpack.

This doesn’t take long at all, and it’s very satisfying.




Write down ten things you’re grateful for.

You can do this in your journal, your planner, or the Notes app on your phone. You probably already know that if you’re in a bad mood, this is a very quick way to raise your vibe.




Do a foreign language lesson on Duolingo.

This might not be for every setting, since some of them involve speaking, but learning is much more rewarding than doomscrolling. I realize there’s no substitute for spending a lot of time in a foreign country, but I’ve carried on basic conversations in two other languages after spending time on Duolingo.




Learn some geography.

I’ve been using a free mobile app called Seterra for this.




Check in on a website or blog that you know will be positive.

This is an easy way to replace doomscrolling: subscribe to or bookmark blogs that specialize in helpful or uplifting content. That way, you can create your own “algorithm” of things that inspire you and bring you joy.


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Write out an affirmation ten times.

Whether it’s something to boost your self-esteem, like “I am handsome and charming,” a way to embrace a healthy habit, like “I love to exercise,” or a way to manifest something into your life, this is a great way to reinforce those intentions.




Sweep a floor.

Several studies have shown that housecleaning puts people in a better mood. This is disappointing news for those of us who wish that sitting on the couch was the way to get in a better mood, but it’s true!




Take out the trash.





Go to your coworker’s cubicle, just to say hello.

Or, if you work at home and don’t live alone, check in with your roommate, spouse, or family member. Maybe give them a hug!





Put on one of your favorite songs and get down. 




Do a quick Tarot card reading.

You can do a one-card draw to answer a question or to get a prediction about your day or week.




Do Wordle.

I know people who do it every day. 🙂 


If you have more time…




You knew this would be on the list, didn’t you? If you feel like an Internet addiction is ruining your ability to concentrate, reading is a great way to get it back. If you suffer from eye strain, lie down and listen to an audiobook.





You knew this would be on here, too! Work on a story, a script, a novel, or just write in a journal. 


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Knit, crochet, sew, quilt, or do needlework.

I love cross-stitching while listening to an audiobook. It’s literally one of my favorite things to do.

If you would like to knit for a good cause, you can make hats for homeless shelters. Or check out the knitting group a friend of mine (a retired Navy captain) started. You knit warm hats, and he and a few friends take them to villages in Ukraine that need them in the colder months. 




Work a jigsaw puzzle.

My parents, my niece, and I all got into doing these during the pandemic, and we never stopped.




Play with Legos.

These are definitely not just for kids.




Take a walk.

This is one of the best ways to clear your head and make yourself feel alive. Bring your dog, if you have one! Besides walking around your neighborhood, you can go to a park, a local botanical garden, or a nature preserve.




Get into running.

You’ll probably need a decent pair of shoes. Start with short runs and work your way up.




Do a workout DVD…

like yoga or zumba. You can check these out from the library, too.




Work out on a treadmill, stationary bicycle, or elliptical…

at a gym or at home, if that’s an option.




Lift weights.

You can work out at a gym, or have a good workout at home with just a few dumbbells.




Do some laundry.



Hint: a great way to limit your doomscrolling time is to set a timer every time you start idly browsing social media platforms. Lots of parents limit screen time for kids, but limits can be helpful for adults, too!



Do the dishes.




Do a crossword puzzle.




Play a game with someone else.

It can be an old favorite, or you can learn a new one together! Did you know that many libraries let you check out games for free?




Play a game with someone else.

It can be an old favorite, or you can learn a new one together! Did you know that many libraries let you check out games for free?




Do your nails.

Or your toenails!




Do some gardening.

Pull up some weeds, or plant some seeds.




Take an online class.

Check out Skillshare, Udemy, Khan Academy, or Coursera…or Code Academy, if you want to learn to code. You can find a lot of free options!




Call a friend or family member.





Call your government officials and tell them what they should do.

They work for you, after all. 🙂 For my U.S. readers, if you haven’t done this before, or you just feel nervous, 5 Calls is a website with scripts that can help. You can put the phone numbers of your representative anxd senator in your phone to make it easy to share feedback any time.


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Learn to play a musical instrument.

This can be great for short breaks, too—you can just practice a few scales, for instance. Ukuleles aren’t too expensive. A portable keyboard like this one costs more, but you can use it to learn the piano. (Never buy into the idea that you’re too old to learn!)




Bake something.

Bread, muffins, cookies, a pizza, or a casserole. 




Cook and freeze some main dishes.

Then you’ll have something delicious to eat on a busy weekday.




Go to a farm or orchard to pick your own berries or apples.




Make jam.

This is a great thing to do after doing the above.




Go to a meeting.

There are all kinds of groups on for every conceivable interest. Some meet in person, and some meet online. Maybe you’ll make a new friend! Or maybe everyone will be weird, and you’ll have a good story to tell later.




Color in an adult coloring book.

Several years ago these got incredibly popular, and with good reason. They’re fun and soothing. I mentioned learning geography before, and if you get this geography one, it’s also educational. So is this one on anatomy!


Fact: having an interesting hobby makes you a more interesting person…even to yourself. 



Paint a room in your house.





Organize a cupboard or a closet.





Go see a sporting event.

Until last week, I’d never been to a high school basketball game in my life, but Mr. Donovan played sports in high school and he talked me into going to our local game. It was really fun! 




Play a sport!

It’s not my thing, but lots of people like playing golf, joining bowling or softball leagues, and so on. 




Go to an old-time video arcade…

and play PacMan, pinball, or air hockey.. 




Go to a thrift shop, a big rummage sale, or a used book sale.

Even if you’re on a strict budget, like I am, this is a lot of fun and you can find some treasures. 




Watch a movie…without a second screen.

I was talking to a friend who said her husband calls her out on this. “Oh, are we going to watch a movie together, or are you going to scroll?” 😂 Put your phone away and let yourself become immersed in the story. Or go out to a movie! If budget is a concern, matinees can be cheaper, and sometimes libraries and community centers have free showings.




Listen to a podcast.

No matter what you’re interested in, someone’s doing a podcast about it.




Go for a bike ride.


Hint: some of these ideas will seem like more work than mindlessly scrolling social media. But if you think about it, you’ll realize that a lot of these activities leave you feeling refreshed or satisfied, while doomscrolling—as easy as it seems—can sap your energy.



Have fun with photography.

Take pictures of sunrises and sunsets. Take selfies. Experiment with an instant camera  (I got this one for my birthday and I love it so much!) 





Sign up to clean up a park or a beach, sort donations at a community pantry, take care of cats at an animal shelter, deliver meals to shut-ins, or whatever you want to do! Google “volunteer opportunities” plus the name of your city.




Give blood…

If you’re able. There’s always a need!




Take part in a peaceful rally or protest.

You may be wondering, “Bryn, can calls to government officials or peaceful protests really make a difference?” The answer is: sometimes, while doing nothing never helps.




Have coffee with a friend.

If your friends are far away, see if they want to do a coffee break over Zoom.




Make a wreath.

There are tons of tutorials on blogs and on YouTube.




Make candles

that you can give as gifts.




Make aromatherapy body scrubs or soaps,

also for gifts!




Take a long bubble bath.




Try beading or jewelry-making.




Learn how to style your hair in a new way.

In my case, I just want to learn how to style my hair, period.




Organize a drawer.

We have somehow wound up with not one but two junk drawers in our kitchen, and I am attacking them this week! They will be Useful Utility Drawers when I am done with them.




Send an actual card or hand-written letter…

To a friend or family member, just because! I have a box of cards, stationery, and stamps in my office to make this easy.




Clean out the fridge.





Do Sudoku.

I’ve actually never tried this.




Sell some things on eBay or Poshmark.

This is a good follow-up activity to cleaning out a closet, ha ha. I actually buy almost all my clothes on these websites and in thrift stores.




Donate some things to a charity shop.





Have a picnic in your backyard, a field, or a park.

Even if you’re just eating fast food, it’s a nice change of pace. 




Go to the library and look around.

I think I’m mentioning the library a lot in this post. I love the library!


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Go to a museum.

I love art museums, obviously (which anyone can tell if they read Her Knight at the Museum or Her Time Traveling Duke), and history museums, too. Many of them have free days.

If mobility is an issue, you might want to check out this hour-long virtual tour of the Louvre, this guided tour of the Monet collection at the Art Institute of Chicago, or the narrated virtual tours at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.




Go to a driving range at a golf course…

Or play mini golf (which is more my speed.) 🙂 




Try out a new-to-you recipe.




Try out origami.

This might also be a five-minute-or-less idea. My mom once gave me this book of dollar bill origami.




Learn how to do makeup.

I keep meaning to do this, haha. A lot of online tutorials seem to use thirty different products, so I might check out a book like this one.




Make a photo album,

digital or “real.” Or just organize your digital photo collection!




Make a photo collage for a wall.

My nieces have printers like this to print out their digital photos, and I might do this with my instant photos (though so far I am just putting them in my diary.)




Go to a farmer’s market.





Memorize a poem.

This is on my life goals list! I almost know Shakespeare’s Sonnet 73 already, just from reading it so often, and I would like to memorize Tennyson’s “Ulysses.”


If you’ve been spending a lot of time on social media sites, and you cut back dramatically, you may be amazed by how much time you have in a day .



Go to a book club.

I mentioned before, and this is a great place to find virtual or in-person book clubs. Churches, bookstores, and libraries often have them, too.




Go to a church service or event…

Or a service or event at a temple or mosque, if that aligns with your beliefs.




Try archery.

Also on my life goals list!




Go to a gun range.

I did this once with a friend and it kind of freaked me out…but it was also fun. I might do it again sometime. 




Declutter your basement or garage.



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Plan ahead for birthday and holiday gift-giving…

Remember, gifts don’t have to be big and expensive to be meaningful and appreciated. 




And do birthday and holiday shopping weeks or months in advance.

When December rolls around and everyone else is feeling stressed, you’ll be sitting on the couch with your feet up, drinking hot chocolate and watching Christmas movies.




Listen to a new-to-you album, beginning to end.

You make a better connection with the artist this way, I think. I mostly listen to music on vinyl, and this is so relaxing and such a pleasure.




Go to a concert.

This could be a big-ticket splurge or a free event!




Meet the neighbors…

Or get re-acquainted! Maybe bring over something you baked, or a Mason jar of homemade Chex Mix, or whatever. 




Go to happy hour, brunch, lunch, or dinner with someone you like…

Or invite an acquaintance with friend potential.



I hope you’ve liked this list! And here’s just one more thing…

cell phone and hands with gray cement background - doomscrolling ADHD tip


Another Way to Curb Doomscrolling (Especially If You Have ADHD)

Here’s the great hint my sister gave me, but maybe you already know it. Change all the colors on the display to gray! This makes your apps and the internet much less appealing, so you’re less likely to use them unless you really need to.

To do this on an iPhone, go to Settings, then Accessibility, then Color Filters, and then choose Grayscale. I don’t know how to do it on other phones, but I imagine the option is available.



Do you have ideas about how to replace doomscrolling?

Has it been a concern for you lately—or for a long time? Or are you one of those people who never gets sucked in?  

And if you remember what life was like before the internet, how do you think the internet and social media changed things…for better, for worse, or both? 

Tell us all about it in the comments! Thanks for reading, and have a great week!

phone on ground, person walking away to quit doomscrolling

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