snow, bare trees, sunset - 25 creative winter writing prompts

Confession time: this post was going to be “January Writing Prompts.” Time got away from me, and we’re nearing the end of January. But hey, they can be February writing prompts, too! There’s still plenty of winter left…here in Chicago, at least. (And if you’re writing a Christmas romance or a fantasy novel set in a cold, snowy land, it doesn’t matter what month it is!)

This list of winter writing prompts

is appropriate for teens / high school students as well as for adults. It includes ideas you can use in different fiction genres. If you think you might need the post later, bookmark it or pin it to Pinterest for future reference!

25 creative winter writing prompts

1. An important trip is delayed when two cars crash on an icy road.

2. Someone’s knitting habit is getting out of control.

3. She forgets her coat—and when she goes back to get it, she hears something she wasn’t supposed to hear.

4. Someone who insisted it wasn’t too cold to go on a hike, a run, or a camping trip discovers that they were wrong about that.

5. An herbal tea turns out to have magical powers.

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6. Someone sees drops of blood in the snow.

7. A person or pet got accidentally locked out in the cold.

8. She’s delighted to receive a bouquet of roses on Valentine’s Day, not knowing they were intended for someone else.

9. They didn’t expect to have to share the hot tub.

10. An important conversation takes place on board game night.

11. An important conversation takes place at a hockey game.

12. An ice storm knocks out their power.

13. Someone refuses to admit that they’ve caught a serious cold.

14. They tend to a person who has mild hypothermia and/or frostbite.

15. Because the criminal wore a big parka, balaclava, and scarf, they were impossible to describe or identify.

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16. The morning after the snowstorm, there must be a hundred snow angels in the field—and no footprints.

17. Two fans of the opposing Super Bowl teams make an unusual bet.

18. He accidentally spills hot soup on someone.

19. Someone resists getting out of bed because they’re all tucked in and cozy.

20. One entry in the ice sculpture contest causes a scandal.

“Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius.” - quote, 25 Creative Winter Writing Prompts

21. Someone is chasing him across a frozen lake.

22. When the snow melts, something surprising is uncovered.

23. She’s staying at a ski resort, but she has no interest in skiing.

24. They meet when one of them can’t start their car in the cold and needs a jump.

25. Snuggling is the only way they’re going to stay warm.


I hope you enjoy these winter writing prompts,

and I hope everything’s going well with you on these last few days of January. Thanks so much for reading—and happy writing!

wet and winding road with snowy pines on either side in January - winter writing prompts


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