Hi all! Happy New Year!
I hope it’s off to a good start! We had a road trip to Arizona to visit family. We’re very lucky that the dogs are good travelers! They enjoy hanging out in the backseat, napping or checking out the scenery, and they aren’t alarmed to find themselves in various motels.
Anyway, I wanted to tell you about a couple of things!
I published an article about developing storylines for the Hallmark Channel.
I go into what I see as the real secret sauce for a Hallmark Channel story…or any story with that same vibe. I also talk about the way I learned to pitch a story to producers (after a couple of crash and burn meetings), which you can use to pitch to editors and agents, too.
Unfortunately, the article features a billboard-sized picture of my face. Just scroll down quickly, I guess. Here’s the link!
We’re going to do WIP Wednesday this Wednesday!
As most of you know, WIP Wednesday is when I share a snippet of what I’m working on (usually rough!) and you do the same in the comments section. I didn’t want to do it on New Year’s Day, because I figured everyone would be sleeping in!
So let’s do it on on Wednesday the 8th! I’ll be sharing something from my sequel to Her Knight at the Museum.
I hope you have a great week!
You have a lovely, cheerful face. How can I not smile?
It’s so generous of you to share your experience and knowledge. I’m sure I’m not the only one who appreciates you.
I published a novel in September that several readers compared to a Hallmark movie. In reading your article, I see that some of it meets the mark (seasonal, heavy outdoor settings, main character changes for the better) but the villian is a nasty dude and there are life-threatening incidents.
I’ll be submitting some of book two, on Wednesday.
Bonnie, I’m so proud of your book, Monarch Moon! I’ll link to it right here: https://amzn.to/3Ponq11
I can’t wait to see some of book two!
Thank you so much for the kind words. I appreciate you, too!
Hi, Bryn. Sorry! I missed this reply. Thank you for sharing the link.
Hey Bryn – this is great advice, thank you.
I’ve been toying with a TV movie script for a while now but it’s set in Sicily. It has a wedding theme, but could probably be set in any season… is wedding season a thing?? Maybe I’ll look at that!
Anyway, thanks for the inspiration… and I loved your book. ?
Hi Linds! Well, Hallmark Channel has had a June Weddings season in the past, and maybe they still do. Either way, weddings and romantic destinations are always going to be popular themes! I hope you have great luck with it. And thanks so much for reading my book. I’m so glad you liked it!
They haven’t done the June Brides for a bit, but they did have the Wedding Veil series based on Lori Wilde’s books. Six movies.
Thank you! And oh yeah, those movies were HUGE.
Loved the advice.
🙂 Thank you!