birthday cake with 10 candles

2 candles in numeral shapes - the number 10


When I started this blog for writers and other dreamers,

with the tagline “tell your stories, love your life,” a couple of people laughed right in my face. It was in early December, 2014, and they said, “Nobody reads blogs any more!”

Since that time, I’ve had over 13 million visits to the blog, and countless people have told me they have bookmarked some of my posts because they turn to them again and again. So if anyone ever laughs at you for making something new, just remember that they might not know what they’re talking about. 

Here are ten of my most popular posts for writers (so far!)

Just click on the photo or the title to go to the post, if you want to check it out!


woman with dubious expression, link to facial expression list

Master List of Facial Expressions

Like most of my master lists for writers, this one started out as a list just for me. It’s an especially great reference for setting up lines of dialogue.

notebook with heart erasers - link to romance plot idea list

50 Romance Plot Ideas

This is a list of romantic conflicts that are so versatile that they could be used for countless romance novels, short stories, scripts, and subplots.

stone chimera - link to list of magical animals and creatures

A List of Magical Creatures, Fantasy Animals, and Supernatural Beings

This is a huge blog post, with dozens of links to read more. It’s a great reference for fantasy writers (and horror writers, too.)

Master Lists for Writers book. Write faster. Write more. Get the book.

vintage typewriter - link to list of 100 logline examples

100 Irresistible Logline Examples from Movies and Books to Inspire You

A great logline can keep you on track while you’re writing, and if you’re self-publishing, seeking an agent, or shopping a script around, it’s invaluable.

balloon with smiley face - link to list of 100 ways to describe happiness

How to Describe Happiness: 100 Phrases

You can show happiness through actions, words, expressions, and gestures, but this list is for describing how happiness feels.

road at night - link to thriller plot ideas

50 Plot Ideas for Thrillers

Like the ideas on the romance plot list, each of these can be taken countless different ways. They’re really high-level writing prompts.

silhouette of person, clouds - link to list of character backstory ideas

35 Character Backstory Ideas

If you’re trying to figure out what a character’s deal is, this list might get your creative juices flowing.

Eiffel Tower, sunrise - link to beautiful French quotes

Beautiful French Quotes and Phrases

Once in a while, I like to share roundups of quotes, and a few of those posts have taken off. This is one of them!

laptop, tea, notepad, pencil, on bed

WIP Wednesdays (no link—many posts)

For many years on this blog, I hosted Work in Progress Wednesdays on the first Wednesday of every month. I would share a little excerpt of something I was working on (often very rough!) and invite you to do the same in the comments section. I got away from this in late 2023, for a few reasons, and didn’t do it consistently in 2024, but I will try to be consistent about it in 2025!

5,000 Writing Prompts book. Get inspired. Stay inspired. Get the book.


regency period young woman - link to regency period names

Authentic Regency-Era Names

This was my very first post, so it had plenty of time to get a lot of traction! It’s a reference for anyone who’s writing a novel set in the Regency era. (The time travel romance I’m working on now features a hero who’s from that era, so I used this post when I was naming him!)

calendar and alarm clock


By the way, my blog has a brand-new section for events!

Ever since I published my romcom novel Her Knight at the Museum, with a sequel coming out in 2025 or 2026, I’ve had invitations to teach workshops and do book signings. I’ll be adding events to the page as they get scheduled. Maybe I’ll have an appearance near you…and some of them will be virtual. I’d love to see you, in person or over Zoom!

Support My Site

If you like what I do, please support me on Ko-fi!

I’ll do my best to make sure this blog keeps inspiring you!

I have a lot of plans for this blog, and I hope it adds a little bit of extra sparkle to your 2025. I know we all face a lot of challenges and uncertainty, but we don’t need to let that stop us from telling our stories and loving our lives.

THANK YOU for supporting me! This blog has become my pride and joy, and it’s been an honor to connect with so many writers and other creative people. 


author Bryn Donovan sitting at desk in front of laptop, smiling at you


23 thoughts on “It’s My Writing Blog’s 10th Birthday…Here Are 10 of My Best Posts for Writers!

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