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Hey writers! Let’s share what we’re working on!

I’m still working on my sequel to Her Knight at the Museum, and I’m really enjoying it!

I’ll share another one from this WIP next month, but that’ll be it. I’m writing it on contract and I don’t want to share spoilers…plus, it may change quite a bit in edits. 

I’d love to see what you’re working on in the comments section! I recommend copying and pasting from a document. I’m sorry that sometimes comments are slow to load. If you accidentally double-post, I’ll delete one. 🙂 

If you’re new here: WIP Wednesday is usually the first Wednesday of every month. Please read through the rules before posting!

laptop, leaves, journal, glasses, straw hat

journal, mums, tea


Here are the rules!

•Keep your excerpt to 200 words or fewer. If you post a longer piece, I may trim it.

•Feel free to share work that’s still rough. I usually do!

•Curse words are fine, but please don’t include graphic sex or violence. 

•Avoid making criticisms or suggestions, because we’re usually sharing work that’s not even ready to be critiqued. However, leaving someone an encouraging word is good writer karma.

Here’s an excerpt from my novel in progress. The official title is Her Time Traveling Duke. Henry is from the year 1818, and he’s in present-day Chicago. 

Since Charlotte’s death, no woman had attracted his interest. What was more, he’d never been aroused by a lady with whom he was not well acquainted, and especially not one from the lower classes. He’d always supposed that he was too intelligent and high-minded to leer at pretty housemaids or buxom beauties on the stage or on the street, the way other men did, like dogs slavering over pork chops on their master’s plate.

So how was he to account for the way this fey creature roused his body and his senses? Or for his own alarm when she’d been pale and overcome with nerves?

Her manners were coarse, she swore like a fishwife, she had no fortune or family of consequence, and by her own merry admission, the flower of her maidenhood had been plucked long before. True, almost any man would’ve been roused by her immodest manner of dress, her voluptuous charms, the peal of her laughter, her fine blue eyes, and her disarming honesty…but all of that was not the point. He was not almost any man.

There must be something very special about Rose.

Either that, or traveling through time had scrambled his faculties…which seemed altogether likely.

ad for the book Her Knight at the Museum by Bryn Donovan. "Get the laugh-out-loud romcom novel about a knight in shining armor in modern times." Show Now

If you want to, share something of your own below…

Or tell us about what’s going on with you and your writing! Thanks so much for stopping by, and have a great rest of your week! 

laptop, journal, leaves, pen

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