soap bubbles - look for the moment

Look for the Moment

Today I’m sharing some of the very best life advice I have, period, and I think you should listen up!

Granted, I am not an especially wise person. I am flaky and flighty, and at this point, it’s reasonable to assume I’m not going to change. But I still think this is good.

redhead woman from behind, looking at lake, pines, and sky

“We do not remember days; we remember moments.” — Cesare Pavese

It Started With My Diary

A few years ago, I bought a “one line a day” diary. I quickly realized that I didn’t want to commemorate bitching, moaning, and crummy days. I told Mr. Donovan I was going to write down one good thing that happened that day, even if the day sucked. I said, over-dramatically, “If I go to hell, I’ll write about how pretty the flames are.”

Keeping this diary got me started on “looking for the moment.” 

pink journal and pen

sunset clouds


Almost Every Day Has a Moment of Joy or Beauty

A lot of people might say my life is boring. Every day, I spend a lot of time writing, a lot of time editing a book for a client, or both. 

But if I look for it, I can always find that magical moment. Seeing a heron at a local lake…or a stunning sunset as we’re driving to the grocery store. Laughing with Mr. Donovan over something random. 

(I’ve discovered that writing in my journal about conversations and shared jokes, in particular, is the best way to experience time travel. You read the entry later and a time that would’ve been lost to your memory, just another day, comes flooding back to you.)

Of course, there are fun days when we get to hang out with friends and family, or do something else special, but even the most ordinary days have That Moment if I watch for it.

Book of Dreams Come True interactive manifestation journal. Write your way to a new life. Learn more.

If You Don’t See It, Make It

On the Sunday I’m writing this, I was feeling a little annoyed. We tried to take the dogs to a nature preserve, and it didn’t have parking or a clear entrance. We went to a nearby park and one of our dogs slipped free of his new harness, so we had to chase him down. We drove to the wrong Costco to pick up prescriptions, then went to the right one, only to find the pharmacy was closed. None of these things were a big deal. Little things go wrong all the time.

woman enjoying the rain

After we got home the sky opened up in a thunderstorm. I remembered that “Go outside during a thunderstorm and get soaking wet” was on my summer bucket list, so I told Mr. Donovan to come outside with me. 

I danced around in the thunderstorm and got soaked to the skin. And just like that, it was a beautiful summer Sunday.

Calling someone, doing something kind for someone, trying something new…they’re all ways to create that moment.

monarch butterfly among flowers


Do You Have Your Own Advice About Looking for the Moment?

Is it sometimes a struggle to see the good amid all the bad? Are there little things that have brought you joy lately? Let us know in the comments! Thanks so much for reading, and have a wonderful week! 



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