Bryn Donovan with virgin Pina colada by the lake, thinking about her summer bucket list

I started making a summer bucket list

for myself, and then I figured I’d share! You all know that I love making lists, and sometimes I act like a tour guide for my own life (which is a very enneagram type 7 trait.)

I’ve included a lot of cheap and free fun things to do.

We’re on a budget, and I know we’re not the only ones! When I take some time to plan and get creative, I always realize how many ways there are to a great time without spending a lot of money. There’s so much to be said for shaking up your routine and for mindfully enjoying small pleasures.

This list may make it look like I’m a woman of leisure, and nothing could be further from the truth. I work hard as a full-time freelance book editor, and as an almost-full-time author besides! I’ll be writing one book and promoting another. But if you can’t have some fun, what’s the point of it all?

Here are the things I want to check off this summer. See if any of them sound good to you! 

happy piggy bank wearing sunglasses on a beach

1. Make a summer playlist that makes me happy whenever I listen to it.

And years later, when I hear those songs again, they’ll make me smile all over again.

2. Make pretty, delicious non-alcoholic drinks.

I was never a heavy drinker, and I don’t drink at all anymore because it gives me headaches. The summer will be a great time to make lavender lemonade, Arnold Palmers, virgin piña coladas, horchata, and more.

3. Go outside during a thunderstorm and get soaking wet.

What can I say? I love them!

4. Read lots of books outside.

I want to do a lot of reading this summer, and I can soak in a great story—or knowledge, if I’m reading nonfiction—while enjoying nature. This is a perfect way to unplug.

5. Blow soap bubbles.

Yes, I’m an adult, but I love them. I’m going to keep a bottle in my backpack…with an extra little bottle in case a child (or not a child) would like to do it, too.

soap bubbles floating, summer foliage in background - summer bucket list

6. Go canoeing.

This has been on my list of 100 life goals forever. I literally cannot swim, mainly because I almost drowned in a neighbor’s pool as a small child and grew up terrified of water. Nonetheless, as a teenager, I went on white water inner tubing with a church youth group. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone that I couldn’t swim. We didn’t wear life jackets. (What can I say…it was a different era.) I wound up losing hold of my inner tube in the rapids, and I managed to thrash my way to a nearby rock. 

I’ll wear a life jacket for canoeing, and we’ll be in calmer waters!

7. See fireworks.

This might be around the 4th of July, or it might be on Navy Pier in Chicago. Or maybe both!

8. Go to a farmers market. 

I expect to do this several times, actually.

9. Go to a summer festival.

…or maybe more than one! In Chicago, we have the Air and Water Show, and I’ve already asked my nephew if we can come hang out on his building’s rooftop for that.

10. Take photos of a sunrise.

A few times, several years ago, Mr. Donovan and I would get up early and go to a picturesque vantage point to do this. I love the pictures…and the memories.

11. Explore 10 new trails.

This is a big one! But it’s not as big as it sounds. These aren’t going to be ambitious hikes. Even a short trail at a nature center we’ve never been to before makes for such a good day.

12. Visit with family.

We’re lucky enough to have some family in town, my parents and sister are in visiting distance, and hopefully, my BIL, SIL, and their daughter will be coming to the Midwest!

13. Celebrate the birthdays and special days.

These include Mr. Donovan’s birthday and our anniversary.

14. Take a day trip.

I love going somewhere I’ve never been before…even if it’s close to home. Our dogs love getting on the road, too!

happy rescue pup in back seat of car
Pippin, ready to go

15. Go to a free concert, film, or lecture.

Between libraries and local colleges, there are a lot of options.

16. Make dinner on the grill and eat outside.

We have a back patio and a charcoal grill, but you could also do this at a park. 

17. Write out a poem in colored chalk on one of the sidewalks in our neighborhood.

Or part of a poem! Not my poem…maybe part of a Walt Whitman poem, or part of Tennyson’s “Ulysses.” It’s okay if I get caught, honestly, but I’d rather that nobody knew who did it.

18. Walk through a rose garden.

A public one, I mean. There are a few around here.

19. Go to the Chicago Botanic Garden.

They have a few days with free admission, and I’ve already snagged free tickets for June!

20. Go to several Chicago Cubs baseball games.

We’ve already been to two, and thanks to my brother, who has tickets he won’t be able to use, we’re going again at the end of the month! I’m actually a huge fan and I watch most of the games on TV. In my book Her Knight at the Museum, I couldn’t resist a scene where my medieval knight character experiences Wrigley Field.

Bryn Donovan at Wrigley Field
I was wearing a lot of sunscreen in this pic.

21. Learn how to do braids and updos.

For whatever reason, I never learned how to do this. My hair is pretty long right now, and it would be amazing to be able to put it up in one of those crown braids, or even a simple, classy chignon. I honestly have no skills. But I do have access to YouTube tutorials, and that’s all I really need!

22. Learn how to give myself good manicures and pedicures.

Yeah, I never learned how to do this, either!

23. Do some sketching in a sketchbook.

Just for fun. I used to love drawing and I miss it.

23. Hit golf balls at a driving range.

Speaking of things I don’t know how to do…I’ve barely ever tried to golf, and I am not naturally athletically gifted. I’m going to be swinging at the air or clubbing the poor, defenseless grass much of the time, and I know it. However, Mr. Donovan can give me pointers! I think it’ll be fun to try, and a bucket of balls at the nearby park district golf course is a cheap date.

24. Go to an archery range.

The same caveats apply as above, except that Mr. Donovan hasn’t done this, either. It’s another thing that’s been on my life goals list forever!

25. Finish a good draft of my novel!

This is one target I do need to hit! My sequel to Her Knight at the Museum is due November 1, and I want to have a full draft by September 1. I’m really enjoying writing this book so far!

Do you have any suggestions for a summer bucket list?

Or any plans for the coming summer—work-wise, vacation-wise, or otherwise? I’d love to hear all about it! Thanks so much for reading, and have a great week!

sun shining through trees

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