stained glass roses - 13 medieval love quotes


I came across some of these medieval love quotes

when I was doing research for my forthcoming novel Her Knight at the Museum, which references both medieval songs and the story of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle. I always love romantic quotes, and I figured that Valentine’s Day week was a great time to share them! I should say, though, that not all of them are specific to romantic love. These are translations into modern English.

Her Knight at the Museum by Bryn Donovan - a knight kneels and looks up adoringly at a woman with glasses in a museum gallery - best romcom novels




Nothing is sweeter than love, nothing higher, nothing stronger, nothing larger, nothing more joyful, nothing fuller, and nothing better in heaven or on earth. — Thomas à Kempis





We become what we love, and who we love shapes what we become. — Clare of Assisi






What is better than wisdom? Woman. And what is better than a good woman? Nothing. — Geoffrey Chaucer






Love is no destruction, but rather instruction, nourishment and sustenance for those who trust in it, for Love is repletion and the abyss and the fullness of the sea. — Marguerite Porete






Though I be long out of your sight, I am your man both day and night. — anonymous poet






Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of its trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse for impossibility, for it thinks all things are lawful for itself and all things are possible. — Thomas à Kempis






In merriment I suddenly despair,

burning in fire I am made new again in joy

because of you, whom I long to return to, gentlest one. — Giacomo Da Lentino







The very purpose of a knight is to fight on behalf of a lady. — Thomas Malory






The very purpose of a knight is to fight on behalf of a lady. — Thomas Malory






Love will not be constrained by mastery… Love is a thing as free as any spirit; women naturally desire liberty, and not to be constrained like slaves; and so do men, if I shall tell the truth. — Geoffrey Chaucer





For I love you so much, truly,

that one could sooner dry up

the deep sea

and hold back its waves

than I could constrain myself

from loving you. — Guillaume de Machaut






We were two and had but one heart between us. — François Villon 






Whatever you wish, I put it in your hand.  My body and goods, heart and every part of me is all your own to buy and sell, I vow before God. — Anonymous (this is from the story about Sir Gawain that my hero, Griffin, tells my heroine, Emily, in my book!)




If you have other favorite medieval love quotes,

please let me know—I might add them to the list! I know lots of people look up romantic quotes for arts and crafts, writing, tattoos, and even Instagram. And if you have other favorite quotes about love, medieval or not, we’d love to hear them. Thanks for reading, and I hope you’re feeling loved this week!

stained glass couple - medieval love quotes

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