open book with sparkles - sci-fi and fantasy publishers

It’s been a while since I’ve done a roundup of science fiction and fantasy publishers,

so today I’m highlighting some that accept unagented manuscripts. There are way fewer of these than there used to be, so they can be hard to find!

I don’t want anyone to get the idea that I am against working with an agent! You do need an agent to submit to the biggest publishers in the fantasy genre, and personally, I love my literary agent. I’m not anti-self-publishing, either; self-publishing can be very rewarding, creatively and financially. But the right path depends on the author and, sometimes, on the individual project, so there may be situations where someone wants to submit directly to fantasy publishers.

If you haven’t queried for a while (or ever), you might want to take a look at my post on How to Write a Synopsis. And if you need feedback on your query letter and synopsis so you can keep an editor reading, check out my Query Letter and Synopsis review service on I’m a former acquiring editor in publishing, so I’ve read thousands of query letters. I can polish up yours!

I’m not including so-called “hybrid” publishers who demand a payment from the author. If you’re going to invest in your own work, I think it’s better to self-publish and maintain control of your story. If you’re interested, you can check out my breakdown of expenses in my post on how much self-publishing costs.

Here are those fantasy and science fiction publishers…

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the publisher’s books before submitting. By the way, the accompanying images here don’t all relate specifically to the publishers. They’re just there to look pretty. 

moon hanging over a blue ocean

Kensington Books

Kensington is a big player, and I’m always impressed that they take unsolicited submissions. I believe they publish fantasy, but not science fiction. You can check out Kensington’s recent fantasy books here, and go here for their submissions page.

African warrior princess - science fiction and fantasy publishers

Baen Books

This science fiction and fantasy publisher has been in the game for a long time! Here are the submission guidelines.

glowing galaxy - science fiction and fantasy publishers

Jo Fletcher Books

I’ve heard good things about this British publisher specializing in science fiction, fantasy, and horror. Here’s the submission page.

magical sword - science fiction and fantasy publishers

Polis Books

This independent publisher publishes in a number of genres, including science fiction and fantasy. Learn more about submissions here.

chinese dragon - science fiction and fantasy publishers

Flame Tree Publishing

For fiction, this publishing house focuses on science fiction, fantasy, horror, and supernatural suspense. Here are the submission guidelines.

woman surrounded by butterflies, holding rose - sci-fi and fantasy publishers

Luna Press

This Scottish publisher specializes in Speculative FictionScience Fiction, Fantasy, and Dark Fantasy. Here’s the submission page.

Aethon Books

This is a science fiction and fantasy publisher that recently made a foray into thrillers. Learn about their submissions guidelines here.

Blind Eye Books

This publisher publishes science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and romance novels featuring LGBTQ protagonists. Here are the submission guidelines.

computer keyboard - science fiction and fantasy publishers

Would you like to recommend any science fiction and fantasy publishers who accept unsolicited submissions?

Let us know in the comments! We all appreciate it. 

No matter where your writing and publishing plans lead you in the coming year, I hope you find amazing success. Thanks so much for reading, and happy writing!

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