pumpkin, camera, autumn leaves

Did you know that “blog” is short for “web log?”

In the early days of the internet, a “web log” frequently shared links to other places in the internet. Before the big social media services like Facebook and Twitter, this was a way to share interesting stories, essays, and websites. A “web log” could also be an online diary. Many early blogs on Blogger were essentially online diaries, and a site called LiveJournal often served the same purpose.

I’m getting back into the roots of blogging with this Friday post about what I did and what I read this week. I hope to make this a regular thing…unless you hate it, in which case, I’ll pretend it never happened, and we’ll all just move on with our lives. Let me know!

laptop, coffee cup, morning light

What I Did This Week



I Got New Author Headshots!

I intend to get new headshots every couple of years. I figure if I only update them every decade or so, new headshots will make people wonder, “What the hell happened to her?” This way, my aging will never come as a shock. 🙂 

I’m not blessed with good looks. My eyes are small, my face is asymmetrical, and my eyebrows are nearly invisible without makeup. I have big ears, a prominent mole on one cheek, crooked lower teeth, and an overbite.

I still feel beautiful, and nobody can stop me. 🙂 And I still share plenty of photos of myself, because it’s a way to feel connected with other people.

I love the new author headshot I’m going with! I considered an alternate choice with a smaller smile, but honestly, I smile big all the time, so this one looks the most like me.


Bryn Donovan, a white lady with red hair, blue eyes, and a big smile




I Worked on the Thriller I’m Writing

I want to pick up my pace, but I love this story. It has a very different voice (or voices, since it’s told from three points of view.) Romance novels have a particular structure, and this really doesn’t. I do feel like it’s going to have a lot of good twists and turns!

I Went to the Dentist… 🙁 

A previous dentist screwed up a crown, and I was in pain immediately. Then, for months, I couldn’t get it fixed due to insurance issues (due to a system error, we were paying but not getting coverage.) The dental situation got way worse in the meantime and now it’s going to cost a lot more. Send me good vibes so it can all get fixed pretty soon! I can’t wait to be out of pain again.



We Went to Jack o’ Lantern World!

This festival in a nearby Chicago suburb, Lake Zurich, has THOUSANDS of elaborately carved pumpkins arranged into the most amazing installations. This year, they also had GIGANTIC milk-fed pumpkins that weigh upwards of 2,000 pounds. 

To me, this event is just magical. If you’re ever in the area in October, I recommend it!



The Best Things I Read This Week




None of This Is True, Lisa Jewell

 I am about halfway through this thriller, and it is riveting. It’s the first book I ever read by her. Isn’t it great when you fall in love with an author and you know there are a bunch more books that you’re going to love, too?




What Kind of Person Has a Closet Full of Nazi Memorabilia?” – New York Times

One of my longtime friends in Kansas City shared this post on a group text thread, and it is a fascinating read. (Personally, I can’t imagine allowing any of these cursed objects in my home.)




They Studied Dishonesty. Was Their Work a Lie?” – The New Yorker

This article about academics Dan Ariely and Francesca Gino is about bending—or fabricating?—data in academic studies, particularly in the field of behavioral science. (Did you know a professor at Harvard could earn about a million dollars a year? I did not!) Anyway, this article sent me down rabbit holes reading about data fraud in academia, and I was regaling poor Mr. Donovan about all I read.


coffee cup

How Was Your Week?

I’d love to hear all about what you’ve been up to, if you feel so inclined! And I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

11 thoughts on “Friday Recap: Author Headshots, Pain, Incredible Jack-O’-Lanterns, and What I Read

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