book, cinnamon rolls, fall leaves

There’s just something about a cinnamon roll hero, don’t you think?

A recent Instagram post by author J.R. Boles got me thinking about this!

Don’t get me wrong—I enjoy all kinds of characters as a romance novel reader, and as a writer, too. But I have a soft, squishy, sweet spot for a cinnamon roll hero.


What is a cinnamon roll hero, you ask?

A cinnamon roll hero in a romance novel is warm and sweet, just like the dessert he’s named after. He’s respectful of women and in touch with his feelings. He may or may not be a bit gruff, but he’s the opposite of the “alphahole” romance hero archetype who doesn’t show his feelings, barks orders at everybody, and is kind of a sexist jerk. The cinnamon roll hero is likely to support the heroine and help her with her goals, and he’s just a good guy in general.

cinnamon roll hero looking guy, kissing puppy

A cinnamon roll hero may have a tragic backstory, but the truth is, romance heroes and heroines of all kinds have tragic backstories. (Most real-life people do, in one way or another, when you really think about it!)

handsome Black man smiling at you


Is the cinnamon roll hero trope becoming more popular in romance?

It’s hard to say. Morally gray romance heroes and “dark romance” are certainly having a moment! But I’m also seeing more and more people talking about and asking for cinnamon roll heroes, so I wouldn’t be surprised to learn that it’s on the rise! 


Let’s take a look at romance novels that feature a cinnamon roll hero!

These are as tempting as the delectable fragrance of a Cinnabon wafting over a shopping mall, I’m telling you.


Can another genre have a cinnamon roll hero?

The idea of a “cinnamon roll hero” originated with the romance genre, but of course, you can have warm, sweet male characters in any kind of novel…mystery, fantasy, thriller, you name it! I think for a long while, snarky, edgy, and morally ambiguous characters have been in vogue, which means that in some cases, a cinnamon roll hero can feel really fresh.

With any kind of protagonist, it’s important that they’re well-rounded and have a strong character arc. A cinnamon roll hero’s character arc may be about learning to value himself, to overcome a defeat or past trauma, to embrace his true identity or calling…the possibilities are almost endless. But his arc isn’t about becoming a good guy, because he already is one.

smiling mature man outdoors, total cinnamon roll hero

cinnamon roll closeup

Do you have thoughts about cinnamon roll heroes…

or heroes in romance novels in general? Do you enjoy kind, sweet heroes,  do you prefer other types…or do you like a wide variety? Let us know in the comments! And if there’s a cinnamon roll hero in a book you read (or wrote!), feel free to drop a link…the more, the merrier! Thanks so much for reading!

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