Banned Books In Florida - Banned Books Week 2023

Many of us have been alarmed by the number of books banned in Florida school districts

in the past few years. Banned Books Week 2023 seems like a great time to blog about them, order them, and read them!

When is Banned Books Week 2023?

Banned Books Week 2023 is from Sunday, October 1 to Saturday, October 7. It’s a reminder that we all have to protect the right to free speech—including speech that offends some of us.

a calendar showing When is Banned Books Week 2023

Florida marked on map with thumbtack


What books are being banned in Florida?

Actually, hundreds of books have been removed from school district shelves. In the Clay County School district, about 94% percent of the books removed were at the demand of one man, Bruce Friedman, who doesn’t have children in the district and who says he hasn’t read most of the books he tries to get removed.

It’s fine for someone to decide a book isn’t right for them or for their children. However, one person should’ve have the right to decide which books are available to everyone else. If a book is truly objectionable or inappropriate for children, there will be broad support for its removal from school libraries, but in most cases, the removals are baffling.

According to reports, 70% of Florida parents with children in the schools disagree with the book bans. 

Here are twelve of the books that have been removed from school shelves in Florida school districts. In some cases, they may have been returned to the shelves after many months’ time. 



How Can We Resist Book Bans?

I have a few thoughts, and maybe you have some, too!




If you’re in the United States, and you’re not in Illinois or California, write a letter to your governor in support of bills like this one passed in Illinois that outlaws public library book bans, and this one passed in California which outlaws book bans and textbook censorship in public schools.




Research and vote for common-sense candidates for your local school boards. Very few of us vote in these elections, and they’re important. If you’re a concerned parent or educator, consider running yourself.




Even if you don’t have children in school, follow the news about your district so that if books are being pulled from shelves, you know about it. Show up to school board meetings to speak up in protest of bans.




Share banned books in your Little Free Library, if you have one—or in other people’s Little Free Libraries.




Request books banned by school districts at your local library, if they don’t have them already.




Buy and read banned books!



stack of children's books

Do you have thoughts about banned books in Florida

and other states? Let us know in the comments! Thanks so much for reading, and have a great week!

12 thoughts on “12 of the Books Banned in Florida

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