how to describe a beach


I thought it would be fun to do a post about how to describe a beach in a story, 

especially since summer is here! I love doing these “master lists for writers” posts, and I hadn’t done one in a while. Bookmark it or pin it on Pinterest for future reference!





If you’re writing a scene or a story with a beach setting, vivid images and other sensory details can make the reader feel like they’re really there, so use these lists of beach sights, sounds, smells, sensations, and even beach foods! I’ve included a list of beautiful coastal words, too. I hope this helps as you think about how to describe a beach in a story! By the way, if you want some inspiration for a summer story, check out my 50 Summer Writing Prompts.

Beach Sights

white-capped waves

white foam on the shore

footprints in the sand

messages written in the sand

sand dunes

palm trees

seagrass waving in the wind


other birds, such as pelicans, sandpipers, and spoonbills

sunrises or sunsets reflecting on the water

moonlight reflecting on the water

wooden boardwalks

wooden piers

wooden lifeguard stands

blackened sand from natural oil seeps

large beach umbrellas


lounge chairs

brightly patterned beach towels

flip-flop sandals



large beach hats

plastic buckets and pails

beach balls


seashells, especially in the wet sand near the shore at low tide

smooth stones—sometimes stacked by beachgoers

sea glass

sea urchins, sea stars, mussels, hermit crabs, and/or small fish in tide pools

clumps of brown seaweed on the sand

large rocks at the shore, crusted with barnacles and shells

bonfires—or the charred remains of them

discarded bottles and cans

sailboats, motorboats, and yachts


oil tankers far offshore

children building sandcastles

people flying kites

dogs chasing balls and Frisbees





water skiiers


jet skiers


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Beach Sounds

I think sounds are such an important part of how to describe a beach, because you hear things there that you don’t hear anywhere else.

lapping or crashing waves

seagull cries

rock, rap, or other music blasting from portable speakers

boat motors

laughing or shouting children

beach volleyball game—the thump of the ball; players calling to one another; players clapping

crunch of a play shovel in the sand

the “thunk” of a coconut dropping to the ground

music from ice cream trucks

Beach Smells

salty air

fishy smells


suntan lotion (coconut scent)

decaying algae and seaweed

marijuana smoke, at some beaches

Beach Sensations

sand between toes

hot sand under bare feet

being knocked over (or almost) by a wave

cold water…or warm water

rough stone outcroppings

breeze in one’s hair

sun heating one’s skin


Beach Foods

These are some foods frequently sold at stands and restaurants on boardwalks and near beaches in the U.S.

ice cream

frozen custard

tacos, especially fish tacos

corn dogs

hot dogs


French fries, straight and curly

soft pretzels

popcorn—butter, cheese, caramel, or “kettle corn” seasoned with sugar and salt

poke bowls

acai bowls

crab cakes

lobster rolls (New England)

funnel cakes

saltwater taffy

fresh lemonade


piña coladas


Beautiful Coastal Words

These are some coastal words that I think are just lovely.










ebb tide

estuary (where the river runs into the sea)

greenling (it’s a fish)








shoal (another word for a school of fish)

spindrift (spray blown off the tops of the waves in a strong wind)

thalassophile (beach lover)





How to Describe a Beach - open book and beach background

Did you know that “beach reads” are more popular than ever?

A “beach read” is usually a light, fun book with a summer vibe. It doesn’t have to be literally set at the beach…but it doesn’t hurt. A lot of people love being at the beach, and a book can provide a fast, cheap, easy escape to a beautiful place…a virtual vacation.

Books with beach settings aren’t just for summer any more, either. Last December, I saw prominent displays of books with beach settings in more than one Barnes and Noble store…for readers who prefer sand to snow! It’s just another reason to know how to describe a beach. 

How to Describe a Beach - beach read book, sunglasses

Do you have any thoughts on how to describe a beach? 


Have you ever written a scene set near the ocean—or are you working on one now? Do you have any beach plans this summer—writing-related or not? Let us know all about it in the comments!

And if you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out my book Master Lists for Writers, if you haven’t already!

Master Lists for Writers at the Beach

Thanks so much for reading, and happy writing!

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