waterfalls falling into a rushing stream

This is a quick Friday post about dealing with struggles in life. I’m especially thinking about the struggles of being a writer. For most of us, pursuing our goals is very tough! But this will pertain to other challenges, too.

I’ve been thinking about the power of water. We don’t talk about water as a metaphor for strength. Instead, we talk about an “iron will,” a “steely resolve.” We talk about “going hard.”

Water isn’t hard; it doesn’t even have its own shape. But rushing water is hard to hold back.

When there’s a heavy rain, lakes, ponds, and rivers overflow their banks. What contained them before can no longer contain them. I think when we find our inspiration, we’re like that, too. The old boundaries don’t matter. But unlike the destructive force of a flood, we’re sharing our constructive, creative, uplifting force with more of the world.

Even dripping water is powerful over time. Drop by drop, it can bore a hole straight through solid rock. That’s how persistence works.

drop of water

If it’s flowing in a stream down a mountain, it’ll hit a bunch of rocks without stopping. It doesn’t even pause. It just flows right around it. I love thinking about our creative lives that way. We don’t have to stop when we hit an obstacle, a disappointment, a rejection. It doesn’t have to have any power over us.

a mountain stream rushing over rocks

It’s good for us to have the confidence that one way or another, like a river to the sea, we’re going to get to where we’re going.

So many people make up their minds that one publication is their dream publication, one person is their one true soulmate, one job is their perfect job, one particular path is the right path for them. The truth is, there are almost no once-in-a-lifetime chances. There are new opportunities all the time…as long as we find our inspiration, as long as we keep trying, as long as we keep moving forward.

Whatever you’re pursuing, I hope you keep going. In so many situations, nothing can stop you but you.

How do you think about perseverance? Is it something you struggle with? I’d love to hear about it in the comments. Thanks for reading, and have a great weekend!

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