Hi friends! Welcome to WIP Wednesday for April! If you’re new around these parts, WIP stands for work in progress, and on the first Wednesday of every month, I share a (usually very raw) excerpt of something I’m working on. You can share an excerpt of your own in the comments!


We do have a few rules:

*no more than 500 words…otherwise, I may trim it for you. (This is because I respond to everyone…even though sometimes, it takes me a few days!)
*No critique of other writers—this is all about sharing, not workshopping. But it’s probably good writer luck to say something encouraging or supportive about another writer’s work.
*No graphic or R-rated content, though some vulgar language is okay.
*No linking to work for sale (because that’s not work in progress), but linking to a website with more of your work is fine.

Okay, great! I’ll share a little from book three of my series.

And you guys…I have got to get this book finished. It’s ridiculous. It’s a struggle with my day job in publishing (which occasionally becomes a night job, too), but I just have to do it. So send those good writer vibes my way. I need them, just like everyone else!

In this scene, Nic is a boy, and he has an encounter with the Wolf Shifters that makes a lifelong impression on him.


The tall pines looked almost black and a small full moon shone directly overhead. The cold air bit through his tee shirt and sweat pants and stung his bare feet.

Then a sweet, high-pitched voice sang out. Nic froze. The unearthly rising note vibrated from the top of his head and along every inch of his skin, raising goosebumps, all the way down to the soles of his feet. Who could sing like that?

No one, he realized. It wasn’t a song. It was a howl.

More voices rose. He had to see them. Enraptured, he walked down the patio steps and straight into the dark woods. Pebbles and small sharp sticks jabbed into the bare soles of his feet, serving as a reassurance that this was not a dream. The howls rose more loudly in his ears.

Then silence. Pairs of shining eyes surrounded him. A low growl that set the hairs on the back of his neck on end. The eyes drew closer. He could see them, then, their fur silver in the moonlight. This was daytime for them, his father had told him, and he thought he understood that. He’d always felt like only half of himself in the daytime, hazier in his thinking when he was at school, expected to be sharp. At night, he felt more alive.

Two of them were rigid, their tails straight up in the air. One of them gave a demanding yip. Without knowing how, he knew exactly what it meant. Who are you?

Maybe he should’ve been scared. His father had told him to never be ashamed of being scared, that he got scared often on missions as a Knight—which Nic struggled to believe, given the demons and poltergeists he’d sent back to the beyond. And at the age of fourteen, Nic was scared of many things. Making an embarrassing mistake in English. Embarrassing himself in front of a girl, in any way. Disappointing his parents. Every world government. Riding in a car when it went over a bridge. Learning how to drive.

But that night, Wolves surrounded him, bristling and growling, and he wasn’t afraid.

“My father’s here to help you.” The ears of the two vigilant ones relaxed, and one of them gave a fluid wag of the tail. “I would help if I could.” An ache blossomed in his chest: all his petty adolescent anger, all his shapeless, reckless desires for what he and the world could be. Ridiculously, and sincerely, he said, “I’m one of you.”

A Wolf drew nearer and rubbed against the side of his face against Nic’s legs. Nic knelt down so that he was face to face with the Wolf. The Shifter’s golden gaze transfixed him; he couldn’t look away. He saw glimpses of the future or of another world entirely, battles, heartaches, love…

He felt invisible threads spiraling out between him and the Wolf, entwining around them, connecting them both. They reached out to connect to others around them.



Go ahead and share a little of your own work in the comments section below…or tell us if, like me, you have got to finish a draft! Haha. Thanks so much for reading, and happy writing!




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