Manifestation Journal Ideas - image of pen with cap off, journal, daisy and petals

Here’s my approach to manifestation journal ideas…

There are a lot of people wondering, “How does manifestation work?”, and there’s a lot of wild advice out there about how to manifest something. I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while, and near the beginning of a new year seemed like a good time to do it…though honestly, it’s always a good time to start dreaming big again.

For beginners, I should explain that “manifestation” means using your imagination to make something you desire into reality. People who’ve written about the “law of attraction” in recent decades have popularized the idea, but the idea is nothing new.

I’m not going to pretend that manifestation magically works overnight or that you can summon up any amount of easy money fast. In my personal experience, though, manifestation can work, and I think one of the reasons for this isn’t metaphysical in the least. It just has to do with how the brain works.

Creative visualization makes something easier to achieve. This is why many professional athletes visualize peak performances and victories on a regular basis. And psychological studies, such as one conducted by Richard Wiseman, have shown that people who believe themselves to be lucky are actually luckier…because they notice opportunities that slide right by other people.

When you engage in creative visualization of something you want and you believe you it can happen, that creates cognitive dissonance in your brain. Your thoughts don’t match the present reality, and your brain doesn’t like that, so your subconscious kicks into overdrive, trying to figure out how to make it so. But you have to visualize it repeatedly and have a pattern of believing thoughts before it creates that dissonance.

Of course, it’s very hard to get something when you’re convinced it’s almost impossible. That’s just common sense. When you believe success is possible…or even inevitable…you are much more likely to succeed.

That’s how to manifest something, in my experience (and more likely than not, it won’t manifest exactly the way you thought it would.)


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Manifestation Journal Prompts

A great technique for manifestation for beginners—and for anyone who enjoys writing—is to use journaling for visualization and positive thoughts. You can really change your thought patterns about something by writing it down. Here are three manifestation journal examples you can try!

Write a prayer or meditation of gratitude about something…as if you’ve already received it.

This is a great way to imagine what it will feel like to get the thing you want to manifest…which will help your brain realize it’s possible.

Write a few paragraphs about how you deserve the thing you want.

Lots of us have mental blocks that keep us from things we want. Maybe we feel guilty for wanting them…after all, shouldn’t we be grateful for what we have already? (As it turns out, we can be deeply grateful and still dream of more. They aren’t in the least bit contradictory!) Maybe we feel like we’re not really smart enough or talented enough to achieve something. Or maybe we really want something, but also feel like wanting it is shallow…so we’re conflicted. Some of us grew up hearing messages about how we didn’t deserve things or we shouldn’t dream big, and some of us somehow talked ourselves into this point of view later. Writing a few paragraphs about why we deserve something can break through those mental blocks.

Write out a sentence about what you want to manifest…ten times. Repeat.

This doesn’t take as much creativity as the two examples above, yet it’s very powerful in terms of changing your mindset. It’s a way to sort of mildly brainwash yourself—in a positive way—into knowing that good things are possible.

Write a sentence about manifesting the thing you want. Again, use the present tense. Include your feelings about it. For instance, if you want a cute, kind-hearted girlfriend, you might write this ten times:

I am so happy to be dating a cute, kind-hearted girlfriend.

If you’re an aspiring actor, you might write:

I’m thrilled to be making a decent living from my acting.

I hope this all gives you some good inspiration for how to manifest by writing. Again, almost nothing happens overnight, and very few things happen without you working for them—but I bet you already knew that! But changing your thinking can dramatically change your life.


Manifestation Journal Ideas - image of journal, pen, laptop, cup of coffee


If you enjoyed this, I hope you’ll check out my gratitude, self-discovery, and manifestation journal, The Book of Dreams Come True. I’ve gotten great feedback on it from a preteen girl, a woman in her late 80s, and many people in between.



Have you ever manifested something by writing it down? Do you think this is all nonsense? Let us know your thoughts in the comments! Thanks so much for reading, and have a wonderful week!

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