computer in front of window, coffee, holiday lights in background

Hey there! I hope everyone’s having a good week and staying as safe as you possibly can. It’s WIP Wednesday, so when I got up this morning, I started writing a scene that I’m really looking forward to finishing after work tonight. And I know some of you did a lot of writing as you participated in NaNoWriMo, so maybe you’d like to share!

I’ll back up here, though, to tell the newbies that WIP Wednesday happens on the first Wednesday of every month on this blog. I share an excerpt of something I’m writing and I invited everyone else to do the same in the comments. Sometimes people just check in and comment on their writing plans for the month, or how things are going in general, and that’s great, too! We do have a few ground rules:

*keep your excerpt 500 words or less

*a little salty language is fine (and I have some in my excerpt today!), but don’t post graphic content (and I add trigger warnings when I think they’re warranted)

*no critiques or suggestions to other people’s work—but it’s good writer luck to share a positive word here or there!

Here’s the beginning of my scene!

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Tristan Münter, a big bear of a guy with a finely detailed black Maori tattoo on his neck, and Daniel, a tall American with ebony skin and a trim mustache and beard, made their way down the corridor in Nic’s direction with a third Knight: Michael West. A cast encased his wrist, and he limped slightly, though few would’ve noticed if they hadn’t been looking for it, and his easygoing smile belied his injuries. The smile broadened when he saw Nic.

Salaam, Nic,” Tristan said as the three reached him.

Michael pulled him in for a quick hug. “Heard you had a good mission.” Tristan and Daniel were grinning at him, too.

Annoyed and embarrassed, Nic shrugged it off. “It was fine. How’s your leg?”

No one acknowledged his attempt to change the subject. Daniel said, with evident satisfaction, “So Sophie Karakov is off to prison.”

Nic’s blood rose to hear her fate being spoken of so lightly. “She hasn’t been sentenced yet. Capitán thinks she might be able to help with the Tribunal.”

Daniel’s brow creased. “He thinks he can trust that bitch?”

A flash of rage had Nic stepping closer to him, raising his fist. “Don’t call her that.”

Michael caught his arm just as rational thought returned to Nic’s brain: he’d been about to make a terrible mistake.

And really, he already had. “What the hell!” Daniel demanded. “I said it because of how she treated you!” Tristan stared as though Nic had been possessed.

“Sorry,” Nic said, even though anger coursed in his veins.

Michael held up his hands. “Okay, calling someone that name and threatening someone are both against the rules, so let’s forget about this.” It was generous of him, putting himself out there like this, because while technically, one wasn’t supposed to use derogatory names for fellow Manus Sancti members, in reality, no one ever reported it. And considering the fact that Sophie was seen as a criminal, and Daniel had meant it in support of Nic, no one would’ve held it against him.

I’m such an asshole, Nic thought, breaking the rule against name-calling in his own mind. He’d been Daniel’s mission runner on three occasions, doing his best to look out for the man’s safety, and now he was raising a hand to him?

“I’m sorry,” he said again, making himself look Daniel in the eye. “I haven’t slept in a couple of days.” It was factually true, although not a real excuse. He often operated on little sleep. The apology, at least, was honest.

Daniel regarded him for a moment, then gave a huff of disgust and walked on. Shaking his head slightly, Tristan went with him.

Nic continued in the opposite direction, not surprised when Michael was right on his heels. After a quick backward glance to make sure Daniel and Tristan were out of earshot, his friend stopped and grabbed Nic’s arm. “What the hell were you thinking?”

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I’m looking forward to reading what you’re up to—and if you’re just lurking today, that’s fine, too. Thanks for reading, and happy writing!

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