open journal in grass #best gratitude journal #daily gratitude prompts #gratitude journal #barnes and noble Egratitude journal prompts #gratitude list #gratitude writing prompts #thanking the universe

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Hi friends! I’d scheduled this article about thanking the universe a while back, and it just so happens that yesterday was a tough day in many ways. Everyone has them, right? I unfortunately had this one on only a few hours of sleep, and when I finished my workday at 6:30. I went out and laid down on our concrete patio and my three little dogs were worried about me.

What does this have to do with gratitude journal prompts? Well, on a day like that, it helps to remember the larger perspective and how lucky I really am. I’ve written before about how journaling and gratitude writing prompts have made such a big difference for me, and about how I try to make gratitude part of my daily practice as well.

Here are three gratitude writing prompts that you might enjoy doing to start a morning right…turn a bad day around…or make a good day even better!

Thanking the Universe: 3 Gratitude Writing Goals #best gratitude journal #daily gratitude prompts #gratitude journal #barnes and noble Egratitude journal prompts #gratitude list #gratitude writing prompts #thanking the universe


Gratitude List

Write at the top of your page,

I am grateful for…

My favorite day of the week, which is _________________.
My favorite holiday, which is _____________________.
My favorite season of the year, which is __________________.
My favorite vegetable, which is ____________________.
My favorite fruit, which is _____________________.
My favorite snack, which is ________________________.
My favorite TV show right now, which is ____________________.
My favorite TV show of all time, which is ______________________.
My favorite celebrity, who is _____________________________.
My favorite song, which is _____________________________.
My favorite scent, which is _______________________________.
My favorite fictional place, which is: _________________________
My favorite way to treat myself, which is: ______________________.
My favorite guilty pleasure, which is: _________________________.

Add as many more favorites as you like!

Once In a Lifetime

Finish this sentence and write a little more about the experience.

I am grateful that at least once in my life, I got the chance to…

You may decide you need to write about more than one thing here!

My Kind of People

Write about why you’re grateful for one person you know very well…your partner, your nephew, your mom, a good friend, or so on.

Now write about someone you’re grateful for, even though you don’t know them well at all…like a celebrity, a coworker you don’t interact with often, or a woman on your bus. (This is a really fun one.)



Honestly, these gratitude journal prompts worked for me, I’m feeling good again already just writing this post, so bet they’re going to work for you, too! If you liked these, you might also want to check out my post on Spiritual Journal Prompts for Mindfulness and Spiritual Healing.

If you liked these, I know you’ll enjoy my journal full of writing exercises. It includes not only gratitude prompts; it’s a discovery and manifestation journal. Check it out here!


THE BOOK OF DREAMS COME TRUE: A JOURNAL OF SELF-DISCOVERY, GOALS, AND MANIFESTATION | #best gratitude journal #manifestation journal #best gratitude journal #daily gratitude prompts #gratitude journal #barnes and noble Egratitude journal prompts #gratitude list #gratitude writing prompts #thanking the universe


If you’re new to the blog, please subscribe…I share all kinds of resources about writing and positivity. And if you have thoughts about gratitude…or just ways to turn a bad day around that work for you…let us know in the comments below! I always love getting your perspective, and readers do, too. Thanks so much for stopping by!

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