GLOBAL READING CHALLENGE graphic: read all about it at #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge

Hi friends! This is kind of a summer reading challenge (for adults!), although it doesn’t have to be for summer—any time is a great time to read around the world.

I got the idea for a global reading challenge when I was shelving fiction in our new place. I was noticing the books set in foreign countries, and thinking about how there were other awesome books to read in places that weren’t yet represented in our collection. It’s possible that after spending so much time at home due to the pandemic, I have a little bit of reading wanderlust.




(This particular photo of my little dog Moxie and our partially filled bookshelves features mostly American novels. I just think it’s cute.)[spacer height=”20px”]

Moxie and bookshelves #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge[spacer height=”20px”]


The idea for this challenge is to read one book apiece by an author from each of these major regions of the world. (I’m counting India and China as regions unto themselves because they have such huge populations.)

I made a graphic for you to pin on Pinterest, if that makes it easier. Here you are![spacer height=”20px”]


GLOBAL READING CHALLENGE graphic: read all about it at #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge

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Naturally, I’ve also made a list of possible awesome books to read! I’ve only chosen novels from authors who are writing about their own countries or the countries of their own cultural heritage. All of these are English language editions (so of course, a lot of them are in translation.)

Everyone is going to feel differently about what are the most important books to read. And that’s okay! I enjoy many genres and many types of stories, and hopefully, this post will still lead to some fun discoveries.




I didn’t include the United States here since the majority of my readers live in the U.S. and read a lot of novels set in the U.S. already. (Although…there are certainly U.S. places, communities, and experiences that I don’t know a lot about.) If you don’t live in the U.S. and I left off your country, I apologize. Let us know, and recommend a book in the comments section! I may update the post!

Okay, here’s the list! By the way, this post contains Amazon affiliate links, which means if you click on any of them and buy something, I get a small payment. I just wanted you to know![spacer height=”20px”]

North Africa

Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits, Laila LalamiIsn’t that a great title? This was the Moroccan author’s debut novel, and her subsequent novels have garnered all kinds of critical acclaim. Her most recent novel, The Other Americans, was an LA Times bestseller. She also writes essays and criticism for major media outlets…and she lives here in Los Angeles! Maybe I can interview her sometime.

Cover of the book HOPE AND OTHER DANGEROUS PURSUITS, featuring a moon over a sea with cliffs in the background #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge

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South or Central Africa

Black Moses, Alain MabanckouThis novel takes place in the People’s Republic of Congo, and it’s described as riotous, wacky, and heartbreaking. Mabanckou teaches at UCLA. Maybe I could interview him, too!

cover of the book BLACK MOSES, featuring the profile of a man in a cap on the cover #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge

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Eastern Europe

Chronicle In Stone, Ismail Kadare. This coming of age story set in war-torn Albania won the Man Booker International Prize.

Chronicle in Stone by Ismail Kadare | A GLOBAL READING CHALLENGE #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #important books to read #read around the world #reading around the world #reading the world #world reading challenge









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The White Tiger, Aravind Adiga. This is a Man Booker prize winner about a driver in Bangalore, and it sounds like, well, quite a ride.

Cover of the book THE WHITE TIGER, featuring a tiger-striped car #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge

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Australia or New Zealand

Wedding Bush Road, David Francis. “A young lawyer in Los Angeles is called back to his family’s farm in rural Australia and plunged into a complex struggle between past and present, town and country, and the secrets that haunt them all.” This sounds terrific! It comes with a heap of glowing reviews, too.

Wedding Bush Road, David Francis | A GLOBAL READING CHALLENGE #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #important books to read #read around the world #reading around the world #reading the world #world reading challenge









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The Three-Body Problem, Cixin Liu. I’ve been curious about this science fiction novel set during the Cultural Revolution ever since it won the Hugo Award a while back.

cover of THE THREE-BODY PROBLEM by Cixin Liu #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge

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South America

The Tango Singer, Tomás Eloy Martínez. Bruno Cadogan has flown from New York to Buenos Aires in search of the elusive and legendary Julio Martel, a tango singer whose voice has never been recorded yet is said to be so beautiful it is almost supernatural.” Wow!

The Tango Singer, Tomás Eloy Martínez | A GLOBAL READING CHALLENGE #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #important books to read #read around the world #reading around the world #reading the world #world reading challenge









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South Asia (other than India)

The Good Muslim, Tahmima Anam. “Set in Bangladesh at a time when Islamic fundamentalism is on the rise.” Anam is a winner of the Commonwealth Women’s Prize for Best First Book.

AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 READS: A GLOBAL READING CHALLENGE #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #important books to read #read around the world #reading around the world #reading the world #world reading challenge









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Southeast Asia

Saman, Ayu Utami. This feminist novel by an Indonesian journalist was something of a sensation.

cover of the novel SAMAN, featuring buildings and trees #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge

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Northern or Western Europe

The Piano Teacher, Elfriede Jelinek. Winner of the Nobel Prize! I didn’t see the movie, but I’m interested in the book.

THE PIANO TEACHER by Elfriede Jelinek | A GLOBAL READING CHALLENGE #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #important books to read #read around the world #reading around the world #reading the world #world reading challenge









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East Asia (other than China)

Pachinko, Min Jin Lee. This book takes place in Korea and Japan, and I couldn’t resist including it because it was THE BOOK when it came out. I still haven’t read it! I bet some of my readers have. Tell me if you liked it!

cover of the book PACHINKO, featuring a woman in traditional Korean dress #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge

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West Africa

The Girl with the Louding Voice, Abi Daré. A New York Times bestseller!

The Girl With the Louding Voice, Abi Daré | A GLOBAL READING CHALLENGE #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #important books to read #read around the world #reading around the world #reading the world #world reading challenge









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West Asia

The Red-Haired Woman, Orhan Pamuk. I’m not sure, but I think this is about an older man and a younger man who fall for the same woman, and I don’t expect it to go well. This novel by a Nobel Prize-winning author takes place about thirty miles outside of Istanbul.

cover of the book THE RED-HAIRED WOMAN, featuring a close-up of a woman's face #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge

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East Africa

The Shadow King, Maaza Mengiste. The blurb reads: “A gripping novel set during Mussolini’s 1935 invasion of Ethiopia, The Shadow King takes us back to the first real conflict of World War II, casting light on the women soldiers who were left out of the historical record.” This sounds absolutely fascinating. The book was a finalist for the LA Times Book Prize in Fiction.

cover of the book THE SHADOW KING featuring a silhouette of a woman warrior on the cover #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge

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Northern or Central America

In the Castle of My Skin, George Lamming. This Penguin Modern Classic is a coming of age story set in 1930s Barbados.

In the Castle of My Skin, George Lamming. | A GLOBAL READING CHALLENGE #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #important books to read #read around the world #reading around the world #reading the world #world reading challenge









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Southern Europe

Baltasar and Blimunda, Jose Saramago. This love story takes place in 18th-century Portugal, and it won the Nobel Prize back in 1998.

cover of the book Balthasar and Blimunda, featuring half circles and square shapes #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge









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Do you have other recommendations for this global reading challenge? I’m lucky enough to get readers from all over the world, so I bet I’ll get more ideas for great books set in foreign countries (well, foreign to me here in the United States, at least)! Let us know in the comments to help us read around the world.


image of a globe and books | GLOBAL READING CHALLENGE graphic: read all about it at #awesome books to read #books set in foreign countries #global reading challenge #read around the world #world reading challenge

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Thanks so much for stopping by, and happy reading!

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