sunglasses and a pen sitting on a notebook next to a swimming pool

Hi, everyone! Wow, I didn’t have any blog posts since the last WIP Wednesday…and that almost never happens. Well, a lot has been going on. We made a move from our condo in Studio City to a rental house in North Hollywood, and we are still unpacking. I was heartbroken by the news and my thoughts have been preoccupied with issues of racial justice and equality in this country.

WIP Wednesday, for those new to the blog, is the first Wednesday of every month. I post a snippet of a work in progress, and you’re welcome to do the same in the comments section below. We don’t give each other critique or suggestions, since we’re usually sharing raw material that’s not ready for that yet, but leaving some kind words for another writer is good karma.

Please keep your excerpt under 500 words (or else I’ll trim it). Keep things PG, since I have some young readers—no graphic scenes, but some coarse language is okay.

I’m sharing more from The Requiem Moon, book three in my Knights of Manus Sancti series! Nic’s mission is to take Sophie from Chicago to the headquarters in New Mexico, and in this excerpt, they’ve been on the road for hours.

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Nic turned onto the gravel road and she stirred, rubbed her eyes, and looked out the window. The headlights illuminated weeds and brush on either side of the road, and the fields beyond were barely visible in the scrap of the new moon’s light. “Where are we?”

“Coming up on the safe house. Northeast of Jefferson City.” She squinted at him, and he tried not to notice that when she was sleepy, her defenses not quite up, she looked adorable. “Missouri,” he added. She rubbed her eyes.

He’d never been to the former hunting cabin, but he liked how the property spread for several acres of woods and fields in every direction. He parked in the dirt driveway in front. “Bring your suitcase in.” He slung the duffel bag over his shoulder and they went inside.

It smelled of wood and damp. He flipped the switch and the Tiffany stained glass light fixture overhead illuminated the room. The sofa near the fireplace had orange and brown floral upholstery, a framed print of a bald eagle hung on one wall.

Nic used the bathroom down the hall and then came back out. Sophie half-lay on the sofa, eyes closed. “Go use the bathroom and wash up,” he told her.

“I was just waiting for you to get out.” Annoyance edged her voice as she obeyed.

He got a pair of handcuffs out of his duffel bag, fastened one cuff over his left wrist, and stationed himself outside the bathroom door. Fatigue dragged at his limbs, and he leaned back against the wall. When she emerged, he took hold of her right wrist and snapped the other cuff around it.

“What the hell!” She yanked against it.

“Don’t. You’ll hurt yourself.” With his free hand, he grabbed her shoulder and pulled her closer. “It’s not like you can break it.”

“Let me go. Get this off me!” An angry flush rose in her cheeks.

“Calm down.” His hand was still on her shoulder, his face inches from hers. Somehow, after all she’d been through, he hadn’t expected so much resistance. Maybe he just wasn’t thinking clearly. “I’ve got to sleep. I can’t be worrying about you running away.”

“Where would I run to? With a tracker in my arm?”

She had something of a point there, but still. “I don’t know. You’re pretty resourceful. Come on, let’s get some rest.” He shifted his free hand to her upper arm to guide her to the bedroom.

She stiffened, resisting. “I’m not sharing a bed with you!”

Christos.” His temper flared at the implication. “I’d never hurt you, I’d rather die than hurt you.” He was being too unguarded, but he was too tired to help it. Her mouth parted. “My other options are drugging you or just cuffing you to something. I’d rather not.”

“I promise I won’t run.”

He sighed. “You’ve broken promises before.” Hurt flashed in her amber eyes before she looked away. “Come on.”



I hope you’ll share something of your own below—or just let us know how the writing is going! Thanks for stopping by!

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