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Hey there, brilliant, funny, good-looking reader!
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to compliment people. Even though we all know how to compliment someone, it’s easy for me, at least, to forget to do it when I get too focused on my work. But I know how a compliment can make someone’s day. Some of us have gotten cute compliments, or more serious ones, that we’ve remembered forever.
That’s why I wanted to do this post with examples of compliments. Some of them are funny compliments for friends, some of them are more flirty for a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife, some of them are more meaningful, and some of them are nice things to say to someone you work with or you don’t know at all. Some of the best compliments focus on something that a person values or is working hard on, and some of them overcome a person’s insecurity about something.
The right compliment depends on the person and the situation. You can’t just hand these out at random. Use your best judgement!
Here’s the list of compliments I pulled together, but like a lot of my list posts, I may add to it later…so feel free to suggest additions! And pin or bookmark it if you want some inspiration later!
1. “You’re pretty humble for someone who’s the world’s best mom/dad/son/etc.”
2. “I like the way you think!”
3. “You’re my role model.”
4. “You always have the best advice.”
5. “I love how you’ve decorated the house.”
6. “You can do anything.”
7. “You’re one in 7.53 billion.—There’s no one else on the planet like you.”
8. “You’re always so understanding.”
9. “You’re such a thoughtful person.”
10. “You make me laugh so hard you ruin my mascara.” (This only works if you wear mascara.)
11. “You never cease to amaze me.”
12. “It wouldn’t be a party/Christmas/etc. without you.”
13. “The first time I met you, I just knew we were going to be friends.”
14. “Spending time with you is the best part of my week.”
15. “I’m proud to have you for a son/daughter (or niece, nephew, granddaughter, or grandson.)”
16. “You never give up.”
17. “You always see the positive side of things.”
18. “You sparkle so much you make glitter look dull.”
19. (for a mom/grandma/etc.) “I always feel proud when people say I take after you.”
20. “You’re one of my favorite people in the world.”
21. “Your kids are lucky to have you for a mom/dad.”
22. “You’re raising good people.”
23. “You do above and beyond for your kids.”
24. “You set such a good example for your kids.”
25. “You’re the cool mom/dad.”
26. “I don’t know how you do it all, and you do it all well.”
27. “You’re making happy memories for your family.”
28. “You stay so calm.”
29. “Your kids have good manners!”
30. “You teach your children to be kind.”
(I’m only doing G-rated ones here, so you’ll have to just use your imagination for the other kind. So honestly, some of these could work for friends, too!)
31. “You’re my knight in shining armor.”
32. “You’re a sight for sore eyes.” (When you first see them again after a while.)
33. “Everyone’s jealous of me because I get to be with you.”
34. “You even look cute in sweat pants.”
35. “You’re a good listener.”
36. “Why do you smell so good?”
37. “You’re an angel in disguise. It’s not even that good of a disguise. You pretty much look like an angel.”
38. “You are exactly my kind of weird.”
39. “I always feel safe when I’m with you.”
40. “Why are you so perfect to snuggle with?”
41. “You have the most beautiful eyes.”
42. “I hope the smoke alarm doesn’t go off.—Because you are smoking hot.”
43. “You know so much about so many things.”
44. “You’re a good driver.”
45. “The first time I met you, I thought you were amazing—and you’re even more amazing now.”
46. “What do I want for my birthday? I don’t know. I’ve already got the best gift ever—you!”
47. “You make a pizza and a movie at home as fun as a fancy date.”
48. “I feel proud just having you by my side.”
49. “Why are you so good at fixing things?”
50. (This isn’t mine…I can’t remember where I heard it.) “I bet you can’t wait for tomorrow…because you get more beautiful every day!”
51. (when they come back from vacation) “I’m glad you’re back. It’s more fun when you’re here!”
52. “You are always on top of things.”
53. “The best perk of this job is working with you.”
54. “This company is lucky to have you.”
55. “You always have good ideas.”
56. “I wish you were running the company.” (Okay, don’t say that one in front of the CEO.)
57. “You’re always helping other people out.”
58. “I appreciate how easygoing you are.”
59. “You’re such a hard worker.”
60. “I learn so much from you.”
61. “You inspire people.”
62. “You have a way with words.”
63. “You always know the right thing to say.”
64. “You have a great speaking voice.”
65. “Your mother raised you right.”
66. “You see the best in people.”
67. “You have the coolest handwriting.” (Or the neatest handwriting.)
68. “You’re fearless.”
69. “I love your sense of style.”
70. “You’re one of those people who can wear anything and look good in it.”
71. “That color looks fantastic on you.”
72. “”You don’t look a minute over (ten years younger than the age they just said they were.)” (While there’s nothing wrong with getting older, or looking older, lots of us like to hear we look younger than we are…especially if we feel younger than we are!)
73. “You never look any older. I’m not saying you’re a vampire, but I’m not NOT saying you’re a vampire.”
74. “I wish more people were like you.”
75. “You’re like ice cream…you’re cool and you’re sweet.”
76. “Do you ever take a day off from being fabulous?”
77. “You have the patience of a saint.”
78. “You’re the kind of guy that most guys want to be.”
79. “You’re living your best life.”
80. “You’re one of the most awesome people I know. And I know a lot of awesome people!”
81. “You have the best hair.”
82. “You’re a badass.”
83. “You don’t let anything get you down.”
84. “You’re such a good photographer.”
85. “Your smile lights up a room.”
86. “You don’t just talk about being a Christian; you live it every day.”
87. “You have good manners.”
88. “You have good posture.”
89. “I wish I had half your energy!”
90. “You have the best taste in music.”
91. “I love hearing what you’re up to—it’s always something interesting!”
92. “You have charisma.”
93. (For a girl who loves the beach or swimming.) “Are you sure you’re not a mermaid?”
94. “When you get famous, I want to be the president of your fan club.”
95. “Some of your jokes go right over people’s heads, but I think that’s why I enjoy them so much!”
96. (For someone who’s beating an addiction.) “It’s amazing that you’re making such a big change!”
97. (For someone who has a cold or is sleep-deprived.) “Well, I never would’ve guessed it. You look amazing.”
98. “I love your glasses.”
99. “Is it easy to be so awesome, or do you have to work at it?”
100. “You’re so perfect that if I didn’t like you, it would be kind of annoying.”
101. “You’re so good at complimenting people!”
Have you ever gotten cute compliments or funny compliments you want to share? Or do you have other examples of compliments you like to pay to others? Let us know in the comments! Thanks for reading!
these are brilliant
Aw thanks Laila!
Hi Bryn, Thanks for the list. Heartfelt compliments are such an easy thing to give and always appreciated. I think one of the biggest (and seemingly surprised) smiles I have ever gotten from someone was from an elderly woman that I encountered one day while out and about. I noticed the brooch she was wearing (vintage with large rhinestones). When I told her how lovely it was, she had the biggest smile and seemed surprised that I even mentioned it. Women of that era always seem to take such care with their hair and accessories and I love it. My mother in law was a perfect example of always looking very “classy”.
Hi Cheryl! I love it that you said that to her. I agree…so many women of that era really have style. I admire that so much!
There are so many good people around each one of us, and we know that; but this list tells me in how many different ways people can be amazing. We realize they are good; but fail to nurture them paying a compliment. I will consciously read this list every so often and interlize it to the point compliments will start flowing naturally!
Hi, Pradeep! It’s true…it can be so easy to forget to take the time. I’m so glad you liked the list! Thanks for reading!
As a writer, I keep contributing to your blog because you know the best ways to encourage and compliment. And you invite others to do the same. Your karma is infectious. What a gift you have. If anybody would like to have more ideas about compliments, I suggest looking back over your posts and your reactions. They always feel sincere and appropriate.
One of the greatest compliments I have ever received came when my brother said, “You are a mild version of your mother.”
JESSIE! You are WAY too kind, and now I’m blushing. Thank you so much. Haha, I love your brother’s compliment! That is great.
I wondered if I had over-done it, but that was after I posted. Can anyone over-do kindness if it is true and sincere?
It’s not surprising that YOU would be the person to teach others how to compliment. You paid me one of my favorite compliments ever, though I’m not going to flaunt it to the public. Let readers wonder and come up with their own compliment of a lifetime for someone else.
Alarie, did I really?? I can think of a LOT of complimentary things I might’ve said about you! I want you to flaunt it, haha! I bet it was about your writing, but I don’t know if it was poetry or other writing. You’re so talented at so many kinds!
You just did it again. Thanks again. The original compliment was in reference to A. A. Milne.
Excellent compliments here that will be incredibly useful if I ever have to review employees and give friendly encouragement in the years ahead. I’m filing all this in my OneNote Notebook.
There’s a person I want to give complements to, but that I can’t at the moment as I’ve given enough of them to this person over the years and don’t want to come across as patronizing.
But I’d tell this person the following if I could: “You’re a really good human being, who never gives up, is relentless in improving yourself (even though you’re already awesome), you always think out of the box, and you will be an inspiration to many in the years ahead.”
Hi Chris! Oh man, I think so many people forget to compliment employees…and everyone likes to hear when they’re doing a good job! Whoever that compliment is for, it’s an amazing one. 🙂 Hope you’re having a good week (and not working TOO hard!)
“I appreciate what you did for me” is a nice compliment.
It really is!
I don’t often receive compliments from people but one time I was was just taking a stroll around the neighbourhood and a complete stranger told me I had a cute smile, I was so happy?
If you’re sure the recipient has a sense of humor, say, “I don’t care what everyone says about you, in my book you’re pretty okay.”
And my favorite serious compliment (also a gift of encouragement) when someone ( especiallya child) is facing obstacles, tell them “That will be hard, but remember, you can do hard things.”
Remember the nursemaid in the movie “The Help” who cuddled the neglected child and kept repeating the affirmation, “You is kind, you is smart, you is important.” Better than the SNL comic whose self-affirmations were, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me!”
I am tempted to ask you to also make up a list of ways to accept a compliment. However, there is really only one way to do it graciously, and that is to smile and say, “Thank you.” American women for some reason are often uneasy and try to deflect compliments, or are too insecure to truly take them in. Many years ago a man from South Africa pointed this out to me and made me practice the art of smiling and just saying thank you. He called it the art of being a Continental Woman. I have passed this technique on to my daughters and granddaughters and “Continental Woman” has become a code word in our family. Don’t know why it’s so hard for us Americans.
Cece, you hit the nail right on the head. It is hard for us to accept compliments. (I’m not good at it at all. I’m a deflector.) I think a post on compliment responses is a fantastic idea.
It’s nearly WIP Wednesday! Yippee! 😀
What a great post.
Another excellent post, thank you for sharing it with us, Bryn. I think my favorite is ‘you are exactly my kind of weird.’ That makes me so happy.