Bryn Donovan The Equinox Stone Knights of Manus Sancti

Hi friends! It’s WIP Wednesday—the first Wednesday of the month, when I share an excerpt of a work in progress and invite you to do the same in the comments section below.

If it’s rough, that’s fine. That’s the “in progress” part! We don’t critique anything, but encouraging words to fellow authors are good karma.

Please keep your excerpt under 500 words (or else I’ll trim it), and don’t share buy links to the story (if you have buy links, it’s not “in progress.”) However, if you want to share a link to a place where more of your story is posted, that’s totally fine. No graphic scenes, please, but some coarse language is no big deal.

I’m sharing another excerpt from The Equinox Stone. I may have said this once or more times before, but I’m embarrassed at how long it’s taken me to write this book. It’s a sequel to The Phoenix Codex, which came out over two years ago! I try to remind myself that since then, I published two other books, moved across the country, and launched a publishing house from the ground up. I mean, I haven’t been slacking.

And I’ve been working a lot on this story lately, and I’m getting it to my editor at the end of the month. Yay!

In this scene, Nic is preparing Michael (a warrior) and Val (an empath) for a mission in which they’ll be undercover as a teacher and a student at a Catholic high school.




Val pulled out a white button-down shirt and a plaid skirt and grimaced. “What is this?”

Nic said, “That’s the school uniform you’re going to be wearing every day.”

“It’s hideous.” Michael wasn’t sure when he’d heard her speak so emphatically.

“There’s also a blazer to wear if it’s chilly,” Nic said. “See if it fits. The room next door’s empty.”

“And then come out and show us,” Michael said, in a supremely good mood.

“I don’t think so,” she shot back.

Nic said, “Uh, actually, you both need to get used to you being dressed like that. That way it’ll be less weird when you’re both at the school.”

She glared at Michael. “Don’t laugh at me.”

“I’m not going to laugh,” he protested.

Five minutes later, she came back into the room in the getup, a morose expression on her face. Michael burst out laughing.

Her eyes widened. “You promised!”

Christos, Michael,” Nic muttered.

She turned away. “Ugh, I look horrible.”

“You don’t!” Michael protested. “I was just laughing because you looked so cranky.”

“You look like a teenager,” Nic said, approving.

Michael disagreed. But then again, he was completely biased.

With his foot, Nic scooted the duffel bag on the floor toward Michael. “Your turn. Flavia and I packed for you.”

“Happy to.” He picked up the duffel bag. “Be right back.”

He returned a few minutes later in glasses, a red short-sleeved button-down shirt that was too big, and black pants. It was Val’s turn to burst out laughing. Fair enough.

He spread his arms wide. “I’ve never felt more attractive in my life.”

“Having a cover doesn’t usually mean you look better,” Nic said, scrutinizing Michael. “I think it works.”

“I look like I manage a Wendy’s.”

“Don’t be a snob.”

“I wasn’t. I couldn’t do that job.” He just didn’t think they were allowed to dress very well.

Val’s brow creased. “What’s Wendy’s?”

“A place that isn’t great for vegans,” Michael said, sitting down. “Tell me about this guy.”

“Your name is Mike McClure,” Nic said.

“I hate being called Mike.” He always had, just like Jonathan had always hated being called Jon—except, inexplicably, if it was Nic calling him that, which just as inexplicably, he always did.

“You were born in Tampa. Four brothers, two sisters. You went to a Catholic high school and then Ave Maria University.—Make sure to read up on the section about Catholicism. Both of you.”

“I’m already Catholic.” Not a good one, but still.

“You’re Manus Sancti Catholic,” Nic corrected him. “Anyway, you taught for three years at an overcrowded public high school. Now, you believe all public schools are garbage. You’d like to meet a nice girl, but you don’t think there are any left in this day and age.”

“I don’t know about this guy,” Michael said.

“Yeah, he’s kind of a dick. Val’s cover is nice. Super spoiled, but nice.”

“So she’s just playing herself?”

“Hey,” Val objected.


The Equinox Stone by Bryn Donovan. Shirtless man, beach with palm trees, twelve pointed star.


Share your own excerpt below, or just tell us about how your writing is going! If you’re making plans for NaNoWriMo, we’d love to hear about that, too. Thanks for reading, and happy writing!


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