WIP Wednesday Bryn Donovan #best new paranormal romance series 2018

Update: I accidentally posted this early—I was traveling and set it up to go live on Wednesday, but I had the date wrong! Ah well. 🙂

Hi, friends! It’s the first Wednesday of the month! That might not mean a lot to most people, but around here, that means it’s WIP Wednesday. I share an excerpt of a work in progress and invite others to do the same in the comments.

Here are the rules:

*about 500 words maximum (otherwise I’ll trim your excerpt)

*no graphic scenes

*no critiquing or suggestions for improvement on other people’s work (but leaving a kind word might mean good luck for you as a writer)

My excerpt today isn’t going to be in a book, but I’ll probably share it as a freebie to my newsletter subscribers at some point. It’s a future wedding ceremony on a beach between two of my characters.

Like a lot of my WIP Wednesday excerpts lately, this contains spoilers for The Phoenix Codex, but I’ve cut out a couple of things that would spoil the forthcoming book two in the series. One of my favorite things in these stories is coming up with the secret society’s rituals and traditions (and if you’ve read The Phoenix Codex and you remember the initiation scene, you know what I mean.)




Jonathan had practiced the words a thousand times. If nerves or emotion still caused his memory to slip, Father Trujillo would prompt him. He spoke loudly and clearly, from the conviction in the center of his being.

“I, Jonathan Gabriel West, pledge to be a loving and faithful husband to you, Cassandra Maria Rios.” The couple usually kept the name of the family with the longer history in Manus Sancti. Because she hadn’t objected to tradition, in a few minutes, she would be Cassandra Maria West.

“With my words, I will praise and console you. With my deeds, I will honor and serve you. With my body, I will worship and defend you. If we should have children, I will cherish and guide them.” These words were left out of ceremonies between couples who didn’t plan to be parents.

Jonathan glanced down at Cassie’s belly, still flat beneath the dress, before he remembered how she’d told him not to stare at it. He returned his gaze to her face, and her lips curved upward in secret amusement; she’d caught him.

She’d stopped taking her pill six months ago, after their mission in Urraca Mesa, and they’d confirmed the pregnancy only a month ago. They hadn’t told anyone yet, and they’d wait a while longer.

Jonathan’s happiness at the news had been overwhelming. At one point, Cassie had asked him, playfully, if he was hoping for a boy or a girl. He’d surprised her by immediately answering, “A girl.” A daughter would likely inherit not only Cassie’s magic but also his mother’s psychic gifts, perhaps in full, whereas Jonathan only had a portion of them. But when Cassie had asked him if he’d also like a boy, the thought of having a son had filled him with wonder, and she’d laughed at him. Either would be amazing.

Jonathan concluded the vows. “Through joy and sorrow, I will be yours, as long as we both shall live.”

Father Trujillo asked Cassie, “Do you, Cassandra Maria Rios, accept this pledge and take this man for your husband?”

Her smile widened. “I do.”

Jonathan turned to Michael, who drew the ring out of the pocket of his waistcoat and gave it to him. It had been made to coordinate with the engagement ring Jonathan had given Cassie when he’d proposed, which had been his mother’s and his great-grandmother’s before that.

Jonathan knelt in the sand in front of Cassie, placed the band on her finger, and pressed his lips to it. A few murmurs rippled across the gathering; even more than the vows, that was unfamiliar to outsiders, though Jonathan could hardly imagine a wedding without it.

When he looked up again, Cassie had covered her mouth, tears springing to her eyes. He stood. Behind Cassie came a sob; Val was crying outright, and she hastily dried her face with a handkerchief. Jonathan smiled, his heart melting for the woman he’d long thought of as a sister.


bryn donovan knights of manus sancti freebie WIP Wednesday


Okay, it’s your turn—and if you’re sharing for the first time, good for you. We love seeing newbies! If you like, you can also tell us about your writing plans for the upcoming month or two…or the rest of the year.

If you’re just lurking, we appreciate you, too! Thanks for reading!

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