How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment #shampoo and conditional with no animal testing

Happy Earth Day! I have a giveaway to celebrate at the end of this post.

Earth Day is a great reminder to be more eco-conscious. Most of us want to make more “green” or environmental choices, and we want to know how to be more earth-friendly. However, it can be easy to get overwhelmed.




For me, it helps to remember that I don’t have to be perfect in order to improve (and that applies to so many things in life!) Small changes can make a big difference over time!

An environmental choice doesn’t necessarily mean a sacrifice, either. Sometimes, an eco-friendly option can be more fun, more creative, or more luxurious. If you were looking for how to celebrate Earth Day, making one of these switches is an easy way to do it–and an easy way to treat yourself, too. (And if you already do all of these things, way to go!)


How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment #shampoo and conditional with no animal testing


1. Switch from liquid soap to bar soap.

Over the past decade or so, lots of people have abandoned bar soap for liquid hand soaps and shower gels. This has meant a lot more plastic in our sensitive oceans. Switching to an ordinary bar soap may be cheaper as well as more eco-conscious.

If you want a slightly more luxurious option that’s cruelty-free, you might like to try Desert Essence soap. It comes in several scents, including this coconut that’ll give you a summer vacation vibe.

How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment
Or if you want something more traditionally “masculine” (regardless of your identity), try Every Man Jack in Cedarwood. Actually, even though I’m as stereotypically feminine as they come, I’d still get this. The scent makes me swoon. I think Every Man Jack products would make a great Father’s Day gift basket.

How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment

2. Try shampoo and conditioner bars.

This is such a game-changer! I’ve always had misgivings about how quickly I go through shampoo and conditioner bottles, so I was so excited when I first learned about these! You can find many homemade options on Etsy,

My hair needs a LOT of conditioning, but this still works for me: Lush’s Avocado Co-Wash, which cleans and conditions in one step.

How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment #shampoo and conditioner with no animal testing


3. Replace bottled water with fun metal water bottles.

You can keep metal water bottles in the fridge, ready for workouts, for grabbing on your way to the office, or for any time you need to hydrate. You can re-use them again and again, and as a bonus, they look much classier. And it could just be me, but I think water tastes better out of a metal bottle than a polyethylene terephthalate one. The cold water seems colder, too!

I love these bottles from S’well—they have so many amazing designs to choose from. If you’re using them to replace plastic bottles of water, they’ll pay for themselves in no time.


How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment #shampoo and conditional with no animal testing


You can find metal water bottles in “big box” stores like Target and Walmart, some grocery stores and drugstores, and sporting goods stores.  I’ve even seen cute ones at Barnes and Noble!


4. Say no to plastic straws.

I’ve gotten in the habit of saying, “no straw” after I order a beverage. Plastic straws are too light to get separated out by mechanical recycling sorters, so they often wind up in the ocean, posing grave dangers to wildlife.

Of course, some people need straws, and some people, like me, prefer them. I always carry metal straws in my purse. These cost almost nothing, they weigh next to nothing, and don’t take up much space. I like them better than plastic.


How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment #shampoo and conditional with no animal testing


5. Use recycled notebooks.

I like to do a lot of writing in longhand, and it was hard for me to give up my notebooks with plastic covers, but these earth-friendly “decomposition books” made it a whole lot easier. They’re gorgeous! They come in SO MANY fun designs that I spent about fifteen minutes deciding which three to feature here. This company also makes spiral notebooks (see the giveaway at the end of the post!)

How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment #shampoo and conditional with no animal testing


6. The next time you want fast food, order a veggie burger.

More and more, this is becoming an option! I’m a vegan because animals live a life of nonstop torture on factory farms, but the beef and dairy industries are also very hard on humans and wildlife…because they devastate the environment. That’s why many scientists say that avoiding meat and dairy is the “single biggest way” to reduce your impact on the earth.

In the United States, you’ll soon be able to buy an Impossible Burger (appropriately named, because it’s impossibly good) at Burger King.


How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment #shampoo and conditional with no animal testing
image credit: Burger King


Impossible Burgers are on the menu at more and more restaurants (including about a thousand Carl’s Jr. locations), with good reason. And my favorite veggie burger is the black bean burger at SmashBurger. It’s so good! It doesn’t taste healthy, but it’s way healthier than a beef burger, which is just another bonus.

And if you’re in the mood for a hot dog, except you want one that tastes better than a hot dog and is animal cruelty-free, you have got to try Field Roast hot dogs. Honestly, you should just try them if you like delicious food.

How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment #shampoo and conditional with no animal testing
image credit: Field Roast


7. Switch to bamboo toothbrushes.

There are lots of these on the market now. Using them keeps less plastic out of the landfills and oceans—even the packaging is more eco-friendly. Bamboo is a great environmental choice: because it grows so fast, it’s renewable. This is the brand I buy and I really like them, but I bet others are good, too!


How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment #shampoo and conditional with no animal testing


And now, the giveaway!

I am giving THREE items (a gift assortment!) to ONE lucky winner. I bought the first two items at Vroman’s in Pasadena, by the way. It’s a fantastic bookstore that also has wonderful gift ideas. If you’re ever anywhere near Pasadena, you should stop in!

Okay, here’s what you’ll win!

This S’well water bottle, to keep you healthy and hydrated…

How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment #shampoo and conditional with no animal testing

This gorgeous recycled peacock notebook, to write down all your important musings…


How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment #shampoo and conditional with no animal testing


And these eucalyptus mineral bath salts to soothe your body and soul.

How to Be More Earth-Friendly #cruelty free bar sap #kind to animals #eco-conscious #environmentally friendly #better for environment #shampoo and conditional with no animal testing


How to win…

It’s pretty simple. You need to be subscribed to the blog (if you aren’t already, you can sign up below) and you need to leave a comment on this post! It can be something very simple, like, “I hope I win!”

I’ll draw a name on April 29, 2019, at 6 a.m. PST.  




Let us know in the comments if you have recommendations of your own for becoming more environmentally friendly! I always learn so much from the comments section, and I really appreciate it. Thanks for reading, and


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