WIP Wednesday, Bryn Donovan's blog

Hi friends! How’s everyone doing? Good, I hope!

WIP Wednesday is when we share excerpts of work in process. If you don’t have an excerpt you want to share right now, we’d still love to hear from you about how things are going (or not going) with your writing! We usually do this on first Wednesday of the month, but it got interrupted by travel this month, so we’re doing it now.

The WIP Wednesday rules are as follows: about 500 words maximum (otherwise I’ll trim your excerpt). No linking to work for sale, but you can link to more of the story on your blog or another site! No graphic sex, because I have many young readers. We don’t suggest improvements on others’ writing, because it’s usually not ready for critique yet, but encouraging words are good writer karma.




My excerpt this month may go in The Requiem Moon, book three of my Manus Sancti series. We’ll see! Nic has been charged with getting Sophie from Chicago back to their (literal) underground headquarters in New Mexico because their enemies want to abduct her.

Nic and Sophie have an ugly history, and they’re different from any other characters I’ve written before because they’re both so damaged. I’m working on the second book, but sometimes I skip ahead and write about these two.

I’ll put a MILD CONTENT WARNING for CSA-related PTSD. It’s fairly vague.


WIP Wednesday Bryn Donovan Requiem Moon Knights of Manus Sancti paranormal romance


“You need to shower, too. Your face and hands are dirty,” Nic said. “If anyone sees you, it’s going to look weird.”

“I’ll do it later.”

“We need to go soon.”

Sophie opened her eyes again to look at him. He wore a gray tee shirt, damp at the collar from his wet hair.

“I need to sleep for an hour.” She probably wouldn’t be able to, with her nerves so tangled and fried, but she hadn’t rested since the night before last.

His mouth thinned as he considered it. “Okay. But we’ve got to get you cleaned up.”

She ignored him and crawled under the comforter. He couldn’t force her into the shower. Well, he absolutely could, without effort, but he wouldn’t. He went into the bathroom himself and she heard the water running. Maybe he still needed to shave. Thankful he’d let the matter drop, she withdrew into her thoughts.

The mattress sagged as he sat down on the edge of her bed.

No! Sophie sucked in a breath and her heart kicked into overtime as her eyes flew open.

It was just Nic. Given where she was and how old she was, the reaction made no sense. But that was how it was. She was almost always fine. And then some small, ordinary thing—a story in the news, a man reeking of alcohol—would pluck that terrible string deep within her, forever taut.

“I know you’re exhausted,” he said. Maybe he thought he’d simply startled her from sleep. “I’m just going to clean your face and hands.” He held a washcloth in his hand and a towel was draped over his knee. A second wet washcloth sat on the hotel nightstand.

No. This was ridiculous. He was right: she couldn’t walk around dirty and not raise suspicion. But she could get up and wash her own face.

Before she could move, he was running the warm, wet washcloth across her cheek. She froze. He was going to wash her face while she lay there, like she was a child? It was completely undignified.

But he was taking care of her. Almost no one had ever taken care of her. She looked away, focusing on a shadow on the wall. He’s only doing it to fulfill a mission. She knew this. Still, as he finished and patted her face dry with a towel, she could scarcely breathe. Something was melting inside of her.

“Here, give me your hands.” He took one of them in his warm, strong one. God, he looked handsome, his eyes downcast, fixed on his task. She wished he’d make a deadpan joke, or even insult her. Anything to break the tension, to curb her urge to…what? Wrap her other hand around his? Tell him why she’d jumped? Not all filth could be washed away.

He cleaned her hand and got it completely dry before moving to the other. Sophie closed her eyes again as if she were nodding off.

“Better,” he said, his voice gruff. “One hour, and then we’ll go.”




Please share an excerpt in the comments, or just say hi! And even if you don’t feel like saying hi, it’s nice to have you here. Thanks for reading, and happy writing!

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