I wanted to make a list about how to describe anger in writing
because I know a lot of writers get stuck on it, whether they’re describing frustration, annoyance, or flat-out rage. Even when you’re just looking for a few words or a phrase, you can get bogged down. With that in mind, here are ways to write anger descriptions in a more vivid way than “he felt angry.”
Here’s something I can’t stress enough. When you’re writing about anger, there are a lot of ways to show the emotion…through what they say, how loudly they say it, what they’re thinking, and their actions (such as aggressively loading the dishwasher.)
My list of ways to describe facial expressions and my list of body language and gestures
can both help in showing emotion. But once in a while, you want to describe your point of view character’s internal feelings of anger.
Obviously, this isn’t a comprehensive list. There are one hundred phrases here. A few of them hint at physiological reactions to the emotion of anger, and some employ similes. You can adapt them or mix them up a little, and they’ll probably make you think of more.
The ones that contain a verb can be turned into a phrase. For instance, “she was breathless with anger” can be used in a sentence like, “Breathless with anger, she stood up and walked out.’ Oh, and you can probably change some of these to describe hatred or loathing. And as long as the context is clear, you don’t need to name the emotion at all—a physiological reaction is often enough!
Be sure to pin the article to a Pinterest board or bookmark it for future reference!
he smoldered with resentment
rage flowed through her like lava
molten anger rolled through him
rage gripped her
anger poured through her
her temper sparked
anger stirred within her
his fury sprang to life
rage nearly consumed her
raw anger shot through him
rage pulsed through his veins
anger thrummed through her veins
anger flooded his veins
rage quickened her blood
she felt a flash of irritation
he felt a flicker of irritation
his anger spiked
anger rushed through her
anger overpowered her
rage overtook him
fury overcame her
he swallowed down his frustration
she tamped down her irritation
he mastered his anger
he kept his frustration in check
fury roared through her mind
a fresh swell of rage rose in her
anger rose in him like a tide
anger welled up in his chest
fury vibrated through her being
he burned with anger
irritation pricked at him
inwardly, she was seething
he trembled with rage
she shook with fury
he was quivering with anger
her resentment grew inside her like a tumor
his resentment festered in him
anger spread through him
rage filled her
his irritation flared
it roused her anger
it woke her anger
his edge of irritation had returned
fury surged through her
he went cold with fury
she was breathless with anger
he was wordless with rage
he was almost choking on his rage
nearly suffocating on her fury
she was simmering with anger
he was boiling with anger
a wave of fury crashed through her
he was running on sheer anger
her frustration kicked in
fury twisted inside of her
she was a ball of pure anger
she was about to explode with rage
he felt about to burst from rage
she was in a red rage
rage ran red through his brain
he stoked his anger
a vortex of anger swirled inside him
she fought the chaos of her rage
he tried to still his rage
he pressed down his anger
she struggled against her anger
he bit back his anger
anger heated her blood
rage seared through him
anger swept over her
resentment clouded her thoughts
he was blind with rage
she felt a jolt of anger
anger hardened her heart
rage beat at her heart
rage churned inside of him
he felt drunk on his rage
anger ripped through him
anger rippled through her
fury tore through her
inside, he was smoking with anger
his anger was mounting
her anger coiled in her stomach
he felt a stab of anger
she felt the anger building
he could taste blood
her irritation crackled
she was immobilized by fury
he was brimming with hostility
anger settled over her
rage throbbed in her like a heartbeat
rage pounded in him like a drumbeat
flames of anger licked through him
rage seized her
resentment blossomed within her
his anger felt good
she felt a cleansing anger
he felt a sick anger
he marinated in resentment
It actually took me a really long time to think about all of these! 🙂 I hope it’s a helpful list! I’m going to make a few more for other emotions. If you don’t want to miss those, be sure to follow the blog, if you aren’t already — there’s a place to sign up on the lefthand side of this website.
And in my book Master Lists for Writers, you can find a lot more lists. Take a look!
Thanks for reading, and happy writing!
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Thank you, these alternatives to anger are excellent. xxx
So glad you like them, Adele! And nice to see you. 🙂
Thank you. x
Writing a Behavior Support Plan for an individual in crisis and I needed to find ways to capture the person’s state-of-being. Thanks for the inspiration and descriptions as some of these are helpful even though what I am doing is not creative writing. Thanks!
I really like those ways of showing anger without mentioning the word but it’s also great to have a hundred examples of how to use it with such variety.
Thanks, Maria! (Great last name, by the way. 😉 )
It is! Do people ever spell yours Donavon? Is there in the whole world anyone who spells their own name that way? Bryn is also good. A good Welsh word.
They do spell it that way! Haha!
Nice, thank you. Some of those, very evocative!!
Thanks so much, friend!
Thanks, Bryn. This long list is stimulating. So often expressing emotions, especially anger, is quite difficult. It is probably easiest to express anger through physical violence – but it is more challenging for a character who is angry and yet wants to/needs to express it in a non-violent way.
Hi, Keith! Thanks. And you bring up such a good point! I think it can be really powerful when a character is angry and _not_ really showing it, or else showing it in more understated ways.
Great list!! I’ve had many times when I wanted something other than ‘She wanted to punch something–preferably his nose.’ Or something similar to that. 🙂
Thanks Bunches!! I’m sure I’ll be referring to this list A Lot for my stories. Romances need to be full of conflict, and anger is certainly a product of that, especially in close relationships. Now that I have this list to refer to, I won’t need to burn up all my brain power trying to come up with a way to describe this emotion, so Thanks Again for burning up your brain for all of us. LOL 🙂
I might just start printing out these addendums and paste them into my copy of MLfW 🙂 These are super helpful, Bryn. Thanks for thinking them up! <3
🙂 Thanks, friend!
Thanks for sharing, Bryn! These are helpful. I reblogged your post on my blog for Write it Wednesday. (I also wrote a 2,218-word short fic today!) Write away!
I always say this, but it’s true: you are so prolific! Thank you so much for sharing…it means a lot, always!
I love all of your alternatives for anything. I’ll be sure to take note of these as well. Your book Master List for writers has become my bible. I even add my own twist on them sometimes to suit whatever’s going on in the scene at the time.
Hi, Nicole! Oh, that means a lot to me. I’m so glad the book is helpful! And I thought people could put their own spin on things, just like you’re doing. 🙂
I’ll be sure to leave a bibliographical reference to you when I’ve completed my book. Thank you so much Bryn. Xx
Oh my gosh, you don’t have to do that, of course! (Even though that would be amazing 😀 ) I hope the book is going well!
Awesome list. Thanks Bryn.
You’re welcome, Dalton! Thanks for stopping by!
I was scouring the internet for a compendious list of expressions to aid my essays. Growing restless by the minute I shuddered at the thought of exams creeping in the corner when I came across your blog. Very helpful. You’re a true lifesaver.:)
Thank you is an understatement
Thanks though
Thanks a great deal
Hair-trigger temper is another good description.
Just wanted to say thanks trying to make my own book right now and I always struggle with expressing anger
wow. these phrases are extremely useful and really realistic. thank u so much for compiling it
You are so welcome!
These are so good! Thanks so much xx
thx for the phrases
thanks you helped me a lot
Thank you so much! This is great!
Oh yay! So glad you liked it! 🙂
Very good writing resources!!! This is one of the best website I have ever been! There is just a bountiful amount of phrases that I need when writing a composition. Thank so much!! Much appreciated.
Hi bryn donovan , thank you for this list! I was actually quite stressed out as i am going to have my english composition tomorrow and i also didn’t know a lot of good phrases for anger. Upon stumbling on your website, i saw MANY good phrases! so if i write about a character being angry tomorrow , i would definitely hv good marks!UwU THANKS again!!! 🙂
Btw my name is isabel oops i forgot to include it! UwU
Thank you so much?