I love coming up with fiction writing prompts or exercises, and I think this list is particularly good for character development. You learn a lot about someone from how they behave in their most embarrassing moments, and this is a great way to create a sympathetic character.
I’m writing these as “you” statements because it’s less clunky that way. And you can use them as prompts for writing about yourself, whether you’re blogging, writing an essay, or writing a memoir. That takes some bravery, but people love to hear other people’s embarrassing stories. It helps them realize they’re not the only ones who get in those situations!
1. Your bra comes undone or the bra strap breaks.
2. You accidentally send an email or a text criticizing or mocking a person… to that person.
3. You break a chair or a fence you sit on.
4. You’ve gone to the wrong classroom, business meeting, or funeral.
5. You say something very personal to your best friend or partner and then realize someone else is in earshot.
6. You break a glass or spill a drink.
7. You unexpectedly have your period and bleed through your clothes.
8. You congratulate a woman on her pregnancy. She’s not pregnant.
9. You accidentally hug a stranger thinking it’s your parent or significant other.
10. You were only pretending to know about something, and then somebody asks you detailed questions about it.
11. You take a spectacular fall on stage.
12. You say the wrong thing during your wedding vows.
13. You walk into a pole or a wall.
14. You realize you’ve been calling someone the wrong name for weeks.
15. You show up for dinner on the wrong night.
16. Someone reads your private letter or diary entry out loud in a group.
17. You realize your shirt is on backwards or inside out (or both).
18. You’re underdressed, overdressed, or wearing something completely inappropriate for the occasion.
19. You fart while taking part in a group conversation.
20. You faint or get sick at the worst possible time.
21. An unflattering or compromising photo of you is widely distributed.
22. A family member brings up something private in front of friends.
23. You’re caught singing or dancing when you thought you were alone.
24. You eat something that was only meant for decoration.
25. You send an important email to important people with a truly unfortunate typo.
If you’re interested in more writing inspiration, you might enjoy my book 5,000 Writing Prompts. Check it out!
Now that I’ve finished the list, it occurs to me that at least one or two of these have happened to all of us. I hope this gave you some writing inspiration! If you don’t want to miss future writing posts, follow the blog — you can sign up below. Happy writing!
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A good cringe is always good to show the more vulnerable part of a character’s personality. And maybe make him/her a bit more relatable to. I’m certainly going to use one of these.
Number 11 actually happened to me. I tripped over an electricity cable on stage while soloing in a song. I fell on my back, in front of some 200 people with a saxophone in my mouth. Luckily I could go on with the solo…
Hi, Kiete! So glad you like these. And, OUCH! I’m impressed you were able to go on with the solo! That took some fortitude. Hey, when it comes to clumsiness, we’ve all been there!
I’ve done #15. Showed up at the restaurant and waited for my gal pals arrive. After a long wait I called one of them who informed me it wasn’t until next week. Oops!
To be honest, I do stuff like that all the time. Hey, we writers have worlds in our heads, too, so it’s easy to lose track of what’s going on in the real one! Uh, right? 😀
I’m going to get a lot of mileage out of these, I suspect, because I’m (still) trying to work on a legal comedy romance. ^_^
Thanks, Bryn!
A legal comedy romance sounds delightful, Sydney! And yeah, embarrassment is great for comedy 🙂 Thanks for reading!
These are excellent prompts – not only for my characters, but for me when I write my “I” pieces. Oh my, you’ve reminded me of gaffes I’ve made – #s 4, 8, 9, 14, 20, 23 – jeez, I’m embarrassing myself here. 🙂
Haha, well a lot of these were drawn from personal experience. 🙂 In fact this was a pretty easy list! Thanks, Pamela!
I just ran across your blog on Pinterest.
I have just started writing again after years of….you know, raising kids, working a demanding job, life in general. I was looking for something that might show a vulnerable side of my character. I think I can find something now.
I also noticed you are in KC, I live in Tonganoxie 😉
Julie! Hey there, neighbor 🙂 So glad you came across the blog! How exciting to be getting back into writing again. I bet you’re loving it. I hope it’s going great!
I have kept all your lists about “show don’t tell”!! I just found your blog and cant stop searching 🙂
Hi, Rania! Welcome! I’m so glad you like the blog. You can sign up below to subscribe, but… maybe you did that already, haha! Thanks for the kind words!
I loved this!!! Thank you so much 😀
Your embarrassment writing prompts are epic. They invoked many ideas to encourage further story development for my main character. I can’t wait to read more of your pieces. Thanks for sharing.
I like it and you need to add more ideas
Thanks Bryn! I’m a young want to be writer (or at least part time writer) (because I’m only 13 right now) when I’m older. These are going to help me so much with the three books I’m writing!
Hi, Anna! I’m so glad this is helpful. And it sounds like you’re already a writer. 🙂 Good luck on your books!
OMG, Anna, I’m thirteen, too, with a crazy passion for reading and writing. I’m already writing stories, though…
I relate so much to that comment
#20 You’re, not your.
Terrific writing ideas.
Hey thanks Chip! Looks like it was actually supposed to be “you” and not “your”… although, I guess it could work the other way, too! Typos drive me crazy! Thanks for the kind words!
In reference to #8, I remember a scene from a movie (don’t remember which one now), where the main character congratulates a woman on the bus who appears to be pregnant. The woman bluntly tells him she’s not pregnant, and the character tries to apologize, only to be told even more curtly that “she’s” not a woman.
Knock on wood I never do that.
Oh my goodness. That is so, so cringey!
Yup. Seventeen of those happened to me, and I’m only fourteen. One time I was on stage ready to sing a solo in choir for the first time in front of my judgy classmates, (I was braver then) and being the awkward person that I am, I started feeling so nervous that I got dizzy and as the song came on, I apparently shouted “My Legs!” loudly and then passed out and got a concussion from hitting my head against the piano. I don’t remember most of it because I woke up while driving to the hospital a few minutes later. The kids at school who saw it reminds of it relentlessly. My characters are super awkward too as a result.
#7 happened to me. I was in junior high and had on a yellow dress.
# 19 happened, but I won’t be writing about it.
#16 and 23 happened to me.
#10 would be a great story, but they were all great!