woman holding up her arms in sunset - how to describe happiness in writing

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Hey everyone, happy Friday! Here’s one of those open threads where you can answer a question, or just tell us what’s on your mind or how your week went. This post contains a tiny brag, but I think that’s okay, because you’re going to get to brag, too.

The best thing that happened to me this week was that I found out that one of my coworkers, a couple of months back, had nominated me for a “Heroes of Optimism” thing sponsored by the company Life Is Good. The Life Is Good people (I love them, by the way) liked the story and featured it on their website!

I was really proud that he thought of me, because I’ve worked really hard to become a positive and optimistic person over the past few years, and it was great to know that other people could see it.

So what’s one of your best qualities? (Or a few — I know you have a bunch!) Optimism, courage, patience, a sense of humor? Tell us all about it in the comments, or if you’d rather, just share what’s going on with you. Hope you’re looking forward to a great weekend!

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