Hey everyone, happy Friday! Here’s one of those open threads where you can answer a question, or just tell us what’s on your mind or how your week went. This post contains a tiny brag, but I think that’s okay, because you’re going to get to brag, too.
The best thing that happened to me this week was that I found out that one of my coworkers, a couple of months back, had nominated me for a “Heroes of Optimism” thing sponsored by the company Life Is Good. The Life Is Good people (I love them, by the way) liked the story and featured it on their website!
I was really proud that he thought of me, because I’ve worked really hard to become a positive and optimistic person over the past few years, and it was great to know that other people could see it.
So what’s one of your best qualities? (Or a few — I know you have a bunch!) Optimism, courage, patience, a sense of humor? Tell us all about it in the comments, or if you’d rather, just share what’s going on with you. Hope you’re looking forward to a great weekend!
I think one of my best qualities is my sense of humor. I got it from my mother. We both see the wacky side of life, and can run with a ridiculously funny thought on a whim, often squewing and twisting the english language to make it sound even more funny. My boys have inherited it too it seems. Dinner at my house is often punctuated by a lot of laughter as we all swap puns, usually food related. Our dinner table hasn’t been a boring or quiet place for years! A fact that I’m very proud of.
I love how you describe this, Carolyn! Makes me want to come to dinner 😀 Have a great weekend!
Hi Bryn. I Have to agree with your co- worker. Obviously, I’ve never met you in person, but your posts are very encouraging to me. From what you have shared about your childhood, I would guess that you have had to overcome some obstacles to become the person you are today. I know I have. As difficult as it has been, I am starting to believe that people who endure a lot early in life can develop profound gifts if they overcome those difficulties. Personally, being somewhat of an outcast for much of my life has helped me accepting of others who are unpopular. This has not always put me in the best light with some people, but I believe all people deserve to be treated with respect, and sometimes, giving them that respect is worth being unpopular. Another quality I have which has developed out of difficulty and been shaped by faith is the ability to see beyond what people do and say to what may be underneath, to give the benefit of the doubt. I don’t claim to have perfected this, if fact I find I often fail in this area with people I love the most. It is something I’m working on though, and so far, it has saved me a lot of emotional energy. Thanks again for your encouragement! I will definitely have to check out that story.
Hi Jessica! First off, you are too kind. And oh yeah… I think being able to identify with people who are unpopular or marginalized is such a great gift. And giving people the benefit of the doubt is, too! It’s very honest of you to admit that it’s hardest to do with people who are close… I find that too! It’s something I’m working on. Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments!
Great news on the “Life is Good” feature. I will have to check out their website. Are they the same ones that create the tee shirts? I always like those. Your positive nature comes across in your posts and I appreciate that (one of several reasons I follow you). Unfortunately, during election times, the negativity is rampant on-line, on television, etc. and you definitely deserve thanks for bringing positivity into our lives with your posts.
Hi, Cheryl! Yeah, they are the ones who make the tee shirts. I always like their style 🙂 It’s so true about election season… not feeling bombarded by all the negativity can be a real struggle! I appreciate your words so much. I notice you did say what your best quality was… I feel like I can think of a few of yours, like kindness and creativity 🙂
I agree with the others that you are definitely a force for positivity, Bryn! Congratulations!
Right now I need to celebrate my willingness to get back on the horse. The past few months have been full of rejection, tragedy, and chaos, but I am picking myself back up, dusting myself off, and planning to submit two stories today. If they get accepted, hooray! If they don’t, it is good practice at dealing with rejection, which I need to work on.
Happy Friday, everyone!
Aw thanks Kimberly! And oh my goodness… I truly believe that if there is one quality that leads to success, it’s the willingness to keep going and keep trying. (Not that anyone asked my opinion, but I think you’re so talented and I’m sure you will get to where you want to be.) Have a great weekend!
I think my best quality is the ability to adapt quickly. As well as an expanded heart!
This happened because I have a developmently disabled adult daughter (who is 10 or 11 vs her real age if 19), and an almost 4 yo grandson that I care for at least M-F 2nd shift.
They really challenge me to think quickly on my feet.
But I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Shhh don’t tell them or my daughter, mother of my toddler grandson lol.
Oh and don’t forget the grouch I have been happily married too for 21 years!
Take care
Hi, Pat! Those are such amazing and useful qualities to have. It sounds like you put a lot of energy and love into caregiving and your family is so very lucky. 🙂 I bet patience is one of your good qualities, too. 🙂 Thanks so much for commenting (as always!)
What a sobering kind of question attached to an AMAZING honor! I also enjoy your optimism and encouragement, and I think I’d totally enjoy meeting you in the real time. As for myself…it is a question which needs a more in depth perusal than just off the cuff. Kind of like PB instead of the jelly.
Aww Kris, sorry, I didn’t mean for it to be a sobering question! I thought it would be a fun and easy one… especially for you! Wouldn’t you say that wisdom and intelligence are a couple of your many great qualities? “PB instead of the jelly,” haha! Thanks so much for the kind words. I think I’d love hanging out with you in real life!
My best quality is that I have been gifted with the ability to read pain and it is my mission to make people suffering from pain… laugh. My problem is learning to step far enough away to prevent myself from being consumed by the pain of others. My other super powers are art and turning food into recycled fertilizer. I wanted to let you know that I am a fan. I started a Writer’s group at my library and I made them purchase a copy of your book of “Lists for Writers”. They had to get their own, they can’t have mine. Love you..keep encouraging us! And thank you,
From leah
Hi, Leah! It’s so nice to connect with you here. Oh my goodness, thank you so, so much for recommending Master Lists for Writers! That means so much to me and I’m so flattered!
I love the way you describe your gift for empathy and healing through humor. That is beautiful. In the second book of a trilogy I’m working on, the heroine is an empath, and she has the exact same difficulty of sometimes becoming consumed by the pain of others. I think that’s hard for very caring and empathic people!
And you’re an artist, too! (And a gardener?) That’s fantastic. It’s really nice to meet you here! Thanks for commenting!
I am soo looking forward to reading and recommending that trilogy! I am trying to word a story about a “Writter\Artist” who starts a writer’s group as part of her own therapy and what happens when she advertises for membership.. (How many places are named, Norwich?). My working title is: The Charmed Authors of Norwich….I understand a first attempt usually doesn’t go anywhere but I am having fun with it and its why your reference book caught my attention.. And I really like your upbeat tips.
Thanks again,
From leah
Your coworker is awesome and absolutely right. 🙂
I guess my sense of humor, which I think I get from my dad.
Just today, someone told me they love my “brightness.” It was in reply to a silly joke I’d made, so I think they meant my humor and not my IQ. Haha.
Thank you sis. You have a great sense of humor!
“I think they meant my humor and not my IQ” — por que no los dos? 🙂